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Comments (Personal Impression Only)
Alberto? Hmmm...personally I think this is a splendid name that I shall add to my list of possible boy names for a future son.
― Anonymous User 12/2/2022
I think this is a pretty cool name.
― Anonymous User 11/8/2022, edited 11/13/2022
Truly unlovely.
― Anonymous User 11/5/2022
"Unlovely" is not a word and this moniker is a nice forename on its own. Enough said.
― Anonymous User 11/8/2022
This is a lovely name in my opinion. It sounds and looks just as nice as the equally handsome name of Albert.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2022
I think this name sounds very good actually. It does not seem too common to the point of being overused and it might make for a good substitute for the English version of Albert.
Alberto is an interesting variation for Albert. On one account, it carries a certain weight for the historic and on another it may have the nickname of “Bertie”, “Albie”, or “Al”. I personally find the name engaging and charming.
― Anonymous User 1/22/2019
I initially liked this name. However, one of my classmates was like "Who names their kid 'Alberto'? Satan?" And that kinda ruined this name for me.
The name Alberto carries weight. It shows someone who can be a helpful hand, someone who is authentic. Has a good nickname, such as Berto. But sometimes that name shows that you can be very stubborn, but also it means that you have high ratings with the ladies :)