Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Aisha was a child bride. Incomprehensible choice for a name that also sounds pretty ugly. 🤢🤮.
Very very pretty.
The pronunciation of this name is absolutely stunning! It's much better than most 5-letter A names.
I think Aisha is a beautiful name, and it has a gorgeous meaning. I would pronounce it “eye-shuh”. I think it ages well, as I can picture it on a female of any age. Overall, I think Aisha is a lovely name.
I like the pronunciation!
Beautiful. Great meaning, great celeb connection. Everything is so awesome about this name.
I don’t mean to addendum anyone, just reminds me of a stripper type name.
This is my name after my Mum randomly found it in a baby book. She has family that is South African and they told her it's pronounced ay-sha, also that it means "life".
I thought it was only in South Africa that my name was spelt this way, but it was a pleasant surprise to learn it wasn't!
Also it was very, very uncommon when I was a kid during the 2000s but much more known about nowadays.
This is my name and I think it's beautiful! Unfortunately many mispronounce it.
This is my name and I absolutely love it. I think it's beautiful and ages well.
I'm Muslim so it works beautifully.
The only downside is that many people mispronounce it.
Aisha is a cute name!
I love this name even though I don’t think I’ll use it. Cute, colorful, spunky, sounds absolutely lovely and has a wonderful meaning.
I love how this name looks. Never met an Aisha because the name is not used in my country, but wow! It's so pretty. To me Aisha sounds like a beautiful girl with dark hair that is intelligent and ambitious.
Not my top pick but it’s still a super pretty name.
Aisha is very well in the same boat as 'Sofia': a name that is fairly beautiful, but shows up in literature so much that it becomes mildly infuriating, especially when the character does not match the name (Active, perhaps impulsive).
I find it a very pretty name, though it's not a favorite. It sounds a bit too youthful for me, a bit too much like a child's name, and less like a grown woman's name. Other than this, I find it lovely.
I like the name. I know someone who spell it Ahyshia (Iesha).
I love this name. I hate the spelling Iesha because it looks like it should be pronounced EE-shuh. Aisha (or the original spelling 'Aisha) is great. I pronounce it I-shuh.

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