Ivory stars are glittering behind my eyes, my spine itching with excitement. My mission here is to spread the magic in names and to erase the prejudice surrounding them. Honestly, who gives a f*ck about the spelling? The important thing is, it's significant in Cree culture.
Star blanket is such a cool meaning! It's like, wherever you sleep you'll always be safe because the stars care enough to comfort you with a blanket during the night. That is so amazing and beautiful ❤️❤️. Screw pronunciation y'all. Make it a middle name.
It's a long name, just like the ones I prefer. Its meaning is so poetic. But it would be embarrassing for a real child, because he would be joked about because of this name's sound. But it can work on a pet or on a fictional character.
Yeah, this isn't exactly too easy to pronounce... This is fine if you live in a Native American tribe where everyone knows how to pronounce it anyway. Not so much in a place full of people named "Bill", "Joe", "Alex", and "Bob". Attendance with a kid named Ahtahkakoop: Alex? Here. Joe? Here. Uhhh... Here. Ahtahkakoop will be known as "Uhhh..." for eternity.