Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Hi! Funnily enough I'm actually named Aénor. Considering the name is mostly French despite its German roots, which we likely have figures such as Aénor of Châtelleraut to thank for it, then the pronunciation will have a French accent to it as well.
I've seen a lot of "a-ay-nor" in the comments but it would actually be more of a "a-eh-nor", the same way you'd let out a surprised "Heh?" considering we're looking for a "é" sound instead of a "ey/ay".
I hope this wasn't too confusing! All the same this name always causes troubles when someone else first hears it and tries to repeat or write it, so nothing too surprising here.
Aénor is not pronounced "ah ay nor".
Here is a French pronunciation:
Given, however, that one of the rare few in history to be named as such is Aénor de Châtellerault (later the Duchess of Aquitaine), I would go with that and pronounce the name as ah-ay-nor.
I would pronounce this ay-nor. I don't know if it's wrong or not.

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