The Ukrainian form of this name is Enej, Eney, Еней (in Ukrainian) - (e-NAY)This name has a historical meaning for Ukraine!Eneida (Ukrainian: Енеїда, Ukrainian for "Aeneid") is a Ukrainian burlesque poem, written by Ivan Kotliarevsky in 1798. This mock-heroic poem is considered to be the first literary work published wholly in the modern Ukrainian language. Although Ukrainian was an everyday language to millions of people in Ukraine, it was officially discouraged from literary use in the area controlled by Imperial Russia.[1]Eneida is a parody of Virgil's Aeneid, where Kotliarevsky transformed the Trojan heroes into Zaporozhian Cossacks.[2] Critics believe that it was written in the light of the destruction of Zaporozhian Host by the order of Catherine the Great. The poem was written during the formation of romanticism and nationalism in Europe. At that time, part of the Ukrainian elite was gripped by nostalgia for the Cossack state, which was liquidated by Russia in 1775–1786.
This name has a historical meaning for Ukraine!
Eneida (Ukrainian: Енеїда, Ukrainian for "Aeneid") is a Ukrainian burlesque poem, written by Ivan Kotliarevsky in 1798. This mock-heroic poem is considered to be the first literary work published wholly in the modern Ukrainian language. Although Ukrainian was an everyday language to millions of people in Ukraine, it was officially discouraged from literary use in the area controlled by Imperial Russia.[1]
Eneida is a parody of Virgil's Aeneid, where Kotliarevsky transformed the Trojan heroes into Zaporozhian Cossacks.[2] Critics believe that it was written in the light of the destruction of Zaporozhian Host by the order of Catherine the Great. The poem was written during the formation of romanticism and nationalism in Europe. At that time, part of the Ukrainian elite was gripped by nostalgia for the Cossack state, which was liquidated by Russia in 1775–1786.