Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Incorrect spelling.
Great boy name!
Most people in France, or at least in my experience see this is a 'trendy' sort of name despite it being used with relative popularity in the 1900s, because it really peaked around the 80s and 90s sort of mark. I think personally it's timeless and elegant. It's much better than Adrian which looks a bit weird.
Radiant, carefree, dreamy. Adrien, the fragrance.
I really like this for a boy. Sounds handsome/athletic and I think it will age well.
Love for a boy! It sounds upper class, athletic, and intelligent!
I had a teacher with this name, who was a woman. But the name really fit her, as she was really tough and strict. But she was nice at heart.
Personally I think it would fit better on a boy, since it sounds quite masculine. But it's unique either way.
I love this spelling better than Adrian.
I think this is a really nice name for either a boy or girl. It makes me think of a very intellegent person too. Someone more mature and put together.
One of my favorite names. I prefer this spelling over "Adrian".
I think this name should only be a girl name!

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