Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Abner "[some variant of "Longie"; he stood a little over six feet tall]" Zwillman was a Jewish-American mobster who operated from Newark, New Jersey, and, for a time, had such a grip on the city that, during Prohibition, police would not only turn a blind eye to his liquor-smuggling, but actually protect it from other mobsters! He was also noted for beating up antisemites, including American Nazis, and being generous with his money. (Oddly enough, he was fairly religious. A friend of his died once, and he refused to go into the room at the funeral with the body; being a kohen, or member of the Jewish priestly class, he was not allowed to be in a room with a dead body.)
Abner Louima is a Haitian-American activist who founded the Abner Louima Foundation, and is an avid protester against police brutality.
There was never a sitcom with a pig called Abner. Green Acres had a pig named Arnold. Strangely enough on the cartoon "Hey Arnold" the title character had a pet pig named Abner. There was also a character on Bewitched named Abner.
Abner Ramirez, the vocalist and guitarist for the band Johnny Swim, his wife Amanda is the daughter of Donna Summers.
There was an old sitcom from the 60's/70's with a pig named Abner.
We named our son (now 8) Abner. It is an unusual name with a beautiful meaning (Father of Light) & interesting Biblical story. It is also the name of an intriguing Orson Scott Card character, Abner Doon (Dune?). It sounds very 1800s to me & was definitely more common then. My son really likes his name. I like it because it is complicated & meaningful & Hebrew. It is a little difficult for people, especially little kids, to say. My son used to tell people it was Ab-en-ner just so that they could say it. Now some of his cousins still call him that :).
Abner Snopes is a character in Faulkner's famous story Barn Burning.
The nosy neighbour's husband (the Kratiz's) in the TV show Bewitched is named Abner.
"Lil' Abner" was a comic strip that used to run in the United States. It starred Li'l Abner Yokum and was about dumb hillbillies.

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