I find it very fitting that an abbreviation of a common Biblical name would have a diminutive that is also a Christian place of worship. While it's not my personal favourite contraction of Abigail, it's still a very sweet name and I hope whoever has this name grows up loving it.
I don’t like it. I also think Abby is a better spelling.
― Anonymous User 5/18/2020
I really like this spelling of Abbey. I have a friend named Abby and she is optimistic, artsy, and unique in a good way- So this is the vibe I get from the name. However, I personally don't care for the name "Abigail", it sounds too old-fashioned for me, and I wouldn't choose the name Abbey for a child simply for that association.
I personally like the name Abbey, although it might have something to do with it being my actual name. My parents named me Abigail and let me choose what to go by. I personally like Abbie better than Abigail. I like that spelling more then Abbey or Abby, it is less common than the other spellings. My father came up with my name because he is a huge Beatles fan and wanted to name his daughter after their popular album Abbey Road. They changed the spelling and went to Rose instead. People think my name is interesting and if someone planned on naming their child Abbey, I would suggest they go with Abigail or Abigale so their child can decided what to go by.
― Anonymous User 11/25/2015
I do like the name Abbey, as a stand alone name, but its variants Abnee and Abnia are nicer because of their meanings and their origins.
My name is Abbey Rose. Most people comment on the Beatles album when they hear it. I like the sound of it, although I'd much prefer a different spelling such as Abbie, Abbi or Abby.
― Anonymous User 1/19/2010
I really don't like this spelling, however it's better than Abi and Abbi. I prefer Abbie and Abby though.
― Anonymous User 11/11/2009
This like naming your son Monastery.
― Anonymous User 5/11/2009
Isn't an abbey a place where nuns live? I couldn't name my child that.
― Anonymous User 12/9/2008
I wouldn't use Abbey as a full name, I'd use Abigail. Because, like already said, then the child could choose what to be called.
I wouldn't put a name like Abbey on a birth certificate because, of course, it should eventually be up to the child itself what spelling to use, or whether to go with Abigail. More options are always better, because it will be her name for life.However, I personally like this shortened version of the name best. I think it's cute with the 'e'.
My cousin's name is Abbey Lynn. It's not short for Abigail, I just can't see my cousin being an Abigail. She's definitely an Abbey! Plus, Abigail Lynn would sound kinda weird.If you're thinking about naming your daughter Abbey, don't worry about whether it'll be a good name when she's an adult. The name fits a little girl just as well as it fits a woman!
I think some "nicknames" need to be on their own. My real name is Jennifer but no one ever calls me that and I don't even think of it as my name anymore. I think the same thing goes for Abbey. I wouldn't name a girl Abigail because I'd never call her that. It's not that I dislike Abigail, I just love Abbey more.
My daughter is called Abbey. We love her name. She is not a shortened version of Abigail which I think is an old fashioned name. Abbey is a lovely cute name.
― Anonymous User 9/18/2006
My friend's name is Abbey Christine. Her parents gave her the full name of Abbey. I don't like it as a full name; only as a nickname for Ab(b)igail.