Such an old name with so much history, but it is still very modern but isn’t overused.
― Anonymous User 3/25/2024
I wanted to name my son Moses and since both Aaron and Moses are inseparable, I decided to name my son "Muhammad Aaron Moses" in honor of these brothers!
Aaron is honestly a ridiculous name, every time I hear it I'm reminded of something like a monkey.
― Anonymous User 9/4/2023
I like this name, but the two A’s in some biblical names can be off putting for me sometimes. It’s cool that some languages keep the two A’s, since it’s the spelling influence from Biblical Greek.
Okay, My name is Aaron, and it is really interesting reading the hate comments. Of course, I hate my name and I love my name. Some things they say about my name are right. I kind of want to tell a bit more about myself that I am a really complicated person when thinking about myself and thinking about my name's meaning. Sure I am a bit masculine and I act a bit like a kid when I'm really a teenager but growing up went so fast that I wish I was a kid again. Anyways, I was glad to read almost all the interesting comments they said about my name. Sometimes, I think the ratings are wrong, but I am so wrong, I am not devious but sometimes I think of myself as one but it is only for some random scenario I think of.Also, I like how my name is similar to a girl's name "Erin" and almost all of the anti-Aaron name comments are a bit stupid; no offense.
Aaron is bloody gorgeous. I know an Auron too, handsome names.
― Anonymous User 7/19/2022
Aaron is a nice, handsome name. Although I like the name I think Erin is better, I've never met an Aaron but I've heard it a lot, it's a good strong boy name.
Aaron is my name and I was rather indifferent about my name growing up. It wasn't until junior high/high school when I met other Aarons and thus began to hate my name for a short time. It is also bad when your grandfather can't seem to ever spell your name right. He always seemed to spell it with two rs Arron. I like my name more than when I was in high school it suits me well.
I knew someone with this name, and everyone always assumed he was Erin. It seems Erin is getting the upper hand, and that Aaron might soon disappear in popularity. Also Aaron from the Bible was kind of a jerk, helping the people making an idol while Moses was on the mountains. I don't think much of this name..
I know somebody called Aaron and he is cheerful and also fun. I like this name and nicknames can be ‘Ron’. Please, please, don’t spell it Aron though, Aaron is a way better spelling.
― Anonymous User 12/18/2020
I named my 2nd son Aaron. I wanted a name that was strong, quiet yet definitive. When I thought of Moses' younger brother, it seemed he had these qualities and that is what my youngest has. Quiet, but very strong in what he believes. Gentle and giving.
This name makes me think of three things. 1) I have a foster cousin with this name. He is 2 months old and very cute. 2) Aaron Burr, who shot Alexander Hamilton. 3) “You done messed up, Ay-ay-ron!” From the Substitute Teacher sketch by Key and Peele. I really like this name.
This name is growing on me. I'm starting to like it.
― Anonymous User 4/23/2019
My best friend's name is Aaron. He is super nice and I think this name suits him very well. The only downside of the name is being teased with "A-a-ron" from that Key and Peele video! But I don't tease him.
It is a very nice name. Often used by Christian and Jewish parents for their sons. A name that stands up over time.
― Anonymous User 9/14/2018
Only Jewish people would name their child Aaron.
― Anonymous User 5/14/2018
This is also a Christian name, AU. Seems like you’re a bit confused. Watch Ted-ED’s YouTube video on the subject of world religions. Everyone else, chill. This person obviously doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
The "Aa" in Aaron makes the name look so weird and awkward when it's spelled out. Also it sounds too close to the girl name Erin. Not a masculine sounding name at all because of this reason.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2017
I've always found it to be a strong, masculine name that deserves its status as a timeless classic. Love it, recommend it.
I'm Aaron and I love my name. I'm a strong and caring man, and I don't get discouraged by people, and that help me achieve my goals.
― Anonymous User 4/10/2016
Aaron is in my top three favorite boy names! It's strong, handsome, and Biblical. I pronounce it the same as Erin. Erin and Aaron are not related so everyone needs to cool their jets about that. I'm not sure why popularity of a name turns people off. It's used more often then other names for a reason. It's a good name! As a nature lover, I love how it means mountain.
Not sure about other places but in the south central US we pronounce it "Air-run". (When I try to say it as suggested above with a short "a" like in apple and then "rin" like in pin, I just can't get my mouth to do it!) I personally really like the name. It's one of those that is easy to read, say, spell (despite the double "a"), and overall has a strong feel to it. I've never met an Aaron I didn't like!
― Anonymous User 8/14/2015
I love the name Aaron! It's very handsome and cute! The religious connotation is cool. :D.
― Anonymous User 5/23/2015
This is one of my favorite names for boys. It is the name of Moses' brother in the Bible. It seems like it would work well as a middle name, too.
Nice name, I didn't know it was so popular(#50). I know two people named Aaron, they're both in their late 40's, but I think it suits all ages. I like the female version Erin too, this is one of the few names that sounds good for both genders (at least in my opinion).
"Aaron" (pronounced AIR-onh) sounds horribly shallow and uneducated... I associate the name with immature High School/early College male students who waste their tuition partying and becoming the beach-bums they truly are-- lifelessly. In the young 2000s the name was at a height where I called home. It truly began there, where I first thought of the name as the "Unintelligent, Blonde High School 'Hottie'"... certainly not the definition of brains. That does not necessarily mean I dislike all who bear the name-- I have met some incredibly kind people, actually. But for "Aaron" to fit, you need that certain personality, otherwise the double "A"s and pronunciation take over to end the ordeal appearing borderline "kre8tiv."
I would like to add that "Aaron" is not a very professional name for business, not educated in sound, and certainly more than a bit immaturely "Forever Young"... meaning that it does not grow well and finish the transition from boy to man.
It's not my first choice to name a son. But it's not that bad. I don't find it horrible or silly. I find it... just a little too common and mature for my taste.
I'm a 19 year old girl. My name is Courtney Aaron and it's really terrible. Both Courtney and Aaron are boys name and they're both so disgustingly common that there's really no way to distinguish myself in a university of 30,000 students. I hate it. It sounds harsh on the ears especially in Texas where it's (AIR-in) or even worse with the Texas dipthong (AY-er-in). Would change my name in a heartbeat if it wouldn't hurt my parents feelings.
I very much like the name Aaron, though it is mostly influenced by two things:1) Sir Aaron, a character in the Pokemon movie 'Lucario and the Mystery of Mew'. I love the whole 'aura' theme, and have watched the movie many times.2) Claire's son on the TV show LOST, as mentioned above.
If you think it's stupid that people spell it with two a's then blame the person who made it, it's not the people who named the kids fault, maybe they just like it because it's spelt with two a's. I think it's stupid when people spell it Aron - it looks like A-Ron!
It is an awesome name! I like it because it may show that the person is tough and aggressive from the outside, but soft-hearted and caring.
― Anonymous User 6/11/2006
I just love this name for a boy. I wish I had thought of it with one of my 5 boys. I don't know of anyone personally with this name.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
Aaron is a great name. I was called Jonathan but it got so annoying so I got a deed poll and changed my name to Aaron, I LOVE IT! And oh yeah when you change your name people ask a lot of questions, some find it interesting but some don't.
My first name is Aaron, and I absolutely DESPISE it. I actually go by my middle name: Clark. I believe it suits me much more, anyway.
― Anonymous User 1/19/2006
Aaron is my second son's name and there has been some "controversy with it in my own family of all things". There is an underlying tension because I have a 25 year old cousin named Erin and everyone says it's confusing. Some are even too stupid to pronounce my son Aaron's name the right way. They usually pronounce it the girl Erin. It can be so annoying but I have gotten over it but I don't think they have. Some in my family even make jokes about it. My family can be so stupid. In fact, I haven't said anything, but I don't even like some of their names at all. Thanks, I needed to get this out.
Aaron being the most loyal of all names more so to females than males is also well known for being a hero and for being a true friend as well as an excellent partner.
― Anonymous User 10/29/2005
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