Gender Masculine
Meaning & History
Spanish and Italian form of Antonius (see Anthony). This has been a common name in Italy since the 14th century. In Spain it was the most popular name for boys in the 1950s and 60s.Famous bearers include the Renaissance painter Antonio Pisanello (c. 1395-1455) and the Baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741). It is also the name of the main character in The Merchant of Venice (1596) by William Shakespeare.
Related Names
Other Languages & CulturesAntoine, Antwan(African American) Antonius(Ancient Roman) Andoni, Antton(Basque) Anton(Belarusian) Anton, Antoniy, Andon, Doncho, Toni(Bulgarian) Antoni(Catalan) Antonín(Czech) Anton(Danish) Anton, Antoon, Antonie, Antonius, Teun, Teunis, Theun, Theunis, Ton, Toon(Dutch) Anton, Antony, Anthony, Tony(English) Antono, Anĉjo(Esperanto) Anton, Tõnis, Tõnu(Estonian) Anton, Anttoni, Toni(Finnish) Antoine(French) Antón(Galician) Anton(Georgian) Anton, Toni(German) Antonios, Antonis(Greek) Akoni, Anakoni(Hawaiian) Antal, Tóni(Hungarian) Anton(Icelandic) Antons(Latvian) Antoon(Limburgish) Antanas(Lithuanian) Anton, Antonij, Andon, Dončo(Macedonian) Anton(Norwegian) Antoni(Polish) Toni, Toninho(Portuguese) Antônio(Portuguese (Brazilian)) António(Portuguese (European)) Anton, Antoniu(Romanian) Anton(Russian) Antonije, Anto(Serbian) Anton(Slovak) Anton, Tone(Slovene) Anton(Swedish) Anton(Ukrainian)
Surname DescendantsAbatantuono, Abbatantuono, D'Antonio, Di Antonio(Italian) Antonio, Antúnez(Spanish)
User SubmissionAntôniô
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Name Days
Animal Crossing characters, black history, Despicable Me characters, Disney characters, doges of Venice, Elena of Avalor characters, Elite characters, Encanto characters, Etruscan, Eurovision 2020, folk heroes, guitarists, Hetalia characters, Italian Westerns, Max and Ruby characters, Murder She Wrote characters, never out of the US top 1000, politics, sculptors, Shakespearean characters, Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest, The Missing characters, top 10 in Brazil, top 10 in Cuba, top 10 in Mexico, top 10 in the Philippines, Victor Hugo characters, YouTubers