My NiCkNaMeS ------------- Sam Sammy Samoze Samisu Amy mY aGe: 13 My GrAdE: 8th mY BiRtHdAy: May 08/1997My PeTs (NeOpEtS) ------------------ WeEbLe FrOgLeR sTeGo AlExIa AnNoUkI bLoSsOm OrAnGeSpOtS tAnJaLamIiS ------ AlIcE HiRoMi-I love kids shows, retro stuff, and "princessy" stuff -I hate the fact that I can't get along with centipedes because they are so scary! -"Im pregnant and its twins!" is freaking terrifying because you have multiple children against your will, even when you only want one!"A true winner doesn't mind losing." "A true loser wins and doesn't care." "A good family would love you even if you weren't." "Brag about trying, not succeeding." "The baby isn't conceived yet and you already named it?"