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Comments for Billie

I like names like these, that sound both masculine and feminine. They are incredibly versatile, and they can go either way. And they sound timeless, yet modern at the same time. Everyone here's talking about Billie Eilish, but there's also singer Billie Holliday and actress Billie Lourd - all great namesakes, in my opinion!

Comments for Carmine

I think this name can totally work for a girl! It certainly sounds feminine enough. I've never heard the Kar-Meen-Neh pronunciation, though; I've always pronounced it Car-Mine. Both are great, though!

Comments for Emily

I love Emily! It's one of the earliest names I remember falling in love with (when I was a kid just starting to take an interest in names). I used to wish my name was Emily, lol. It's very short and sweet, and frilly, and it rolls off the tongue perfectly! What's not to love?

Comments for Esperanza

I came across this name while reading "Like Water For Hot Chocolate" by Laura Esquivel, and I fell in love with it immediately! It's such a pretty and elegant name!

Comments for Esther

Esther Greenwood was the protagonist of Sylvia Plath's novel The Bell Jar. That book was how I became familiar with the name, and I fell in love with it immediately! Sure, it's a little old-fashioned, but I think that adds a little more charm to it. It's already become one of my favourite girl's names of all time!

Comments for Hine

Your name literally means "Frenchman", even though a cursory glance at your profile shows that you're Italian. It's a little rude to judge someone else's name based off its meaning. And no, the name Hine does not sound like the word for butt. That Megan person is wrong. It's pronounced Hee-neh, not hiney. Here in New Zealand, Hine is a perfectly fine name to use. It's ignorant people like you who perpetuate the stereotype that ethnic names aren't "distinguished" or "professional". And another deeper look at your profile will prove my point. Hine is a lovely, short, sweet name. It can be found in Maori mythology as part of the names of several goddesses, such as Hinemoana (daughter of the sea). Just because it's strange to name our daughter "Daughter" or "Girl" in English doesn't mean it's weird in other languages. Hine is a very beautiful name that is easy to spell and pronounce. Please don't perpetuate a culture of ignorance.

Comments for Juniper

Such a cute name! It personally makes me think about taking a leisurely stroll through a big beautiful forest!

Comments for Luka

I don't get why people are so up in arms about Luka being used as a girl's name. In my opinion it can totally work as both. I know Luka as a masculine name from the Suzanne Vega song, and I know it as a girl's name from the Vocaloid Megurine Luka (though it's technically meant to be Ruka since the letter L doesn't exist in the Japanese language, but whatever). I think this name sounds amazing no matter which gender it's used for!

Comments for Lysanne

Such a sweet, cute name! I personally prefer the spelling with a Y instead of an I, but that's just me. Either way, it's lovely.

Comments for Noah 1

I really like this name; it's one of my favourite biblical names, and it just rolls off the tongue. Also it reminds me of Total Drama, which was one of my favourite cartoons growing up, and Noah is still one of my favourite characters!

Comments for Oralie

It's a lovely name, but unfortunately people have filthy minds and won't take this spelling seriously. Use Aurelie instead.

Comments for Orla 1

Reminds me of Derry Girls - Orla McCool is my favourite character on that show, and this name is really sweet and pretty, just like she is!

Comments for Rue

Reminds me of the song Rue the Whirl by Boards of Canada - one of my favourite songs ever! I love this name just because of that association.

Comments for Salome

This is one of my favourite girl names! I think it sounds really sweet and refined!

Comments for Snezhana

Absolutely beautiful!

Comments for Theodora

This is one of my favourite girl's names ever! It sounds absolutely lovely, plus if you want you can shorten it to Thea or Dora.