My firstborn's name is Brooklyn. I don't find it as a "white trash" name, or that "made up" names are ugly. All names were made up at some point. If you don't like a name, then shut up and at least find a valid reason like some people in the comments.
My mom said she wanted to name me something French, so she chose Charlotte, just to realise the exact same name without the "te" was a thing. Too late now. (Also it's pronounced Char-lot, like Margot)
My name is Charlotte, and I have never been called a "harlot", actually, most people in my school have probably never used/heard that word ever. I was like the only person in my state with the name Charlotte, until Princess Kate's baby, then it got really popular.
I have a friend Richard and when we were first in middle school I used his name as an excuse to say Dick. I would only use this name sarcastically, though. I would rather call my kid Rich instead of Dick, because Rich is a good thing.
The name Emma is very short but sweet and easy to spell and say, it will not be mispronounced. P.S Anonymous User who made a whole rant on how Emmas are not special, get a life.
The reason the name can't be used isn't because of "immature homophobes" like some people said. It can't be used because even homophobes wouldn't name their kid "Straight". I'm not a homophobe but I wouldn't name my kid after a sexuality.
My daughter's name is Jessica but it's spelled Jéssica and she is not trashy at all! She is only 4 so I can't really tell her personality for the future, but she ain't trashy.
"Hello, welcome to Starbucks, what's the order name?""Nail.""You could have chosen a better fake name."*gives credit card*"Oh, um, sorry about that sir".
It's beautiful. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT NAME YOUR CHILD THAT IF IT'S NOT A CULTURAL NAME FOR WHERE YOU LIVE. You will be ruining your child's life by literally naming them "Porn".
I know the name Prudence is ugly and old and has the word "Prude" inside it, but it grew on me because of the Papa Louie games (Papa's Pancakeria, you can play as her.)
I kind of like it, except the fact it sounds like "Pube" lius and my kid would get bullied. Back when this name was used, it was probably less common to speak of pubes, so it's good for an old person's name.