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Comments for Alkmene

Alkmene is also a type of cultivated apple.

Comments for Anemone

I used to think this word was pronounced an-ee-moan which I actually think would be a pretty name. Not a big fan of the actual pronunciation as a name though.

Comments for Driscoll

Driscoll's is the name of a family business berry company.

Comments for Finella

Finella is also the name of a genus of seasnails.

Comments for Jayceon

Now this is one of the most hated names on this website, but I think that if it was pronounced jay-see-on and was used in a medieval fantasy setting, it could actually work!

Comments for Linnet

So cute, just like the bird.

Comments for Loki

I feel like many parents who give their child this name forget that the name Loki actually has a lot of bad associations. Things like when he had sex with a horse, got pregnant, and then gave birth to a foal. Or when he tied his and a goat's testicles together and started a game of tug o' war. Or how he was sentenced to an eternity of torture after he killed the most popular god out of jealousy. Not to mention how much he cheated on his wife. I just hope that parents take the name's bearer into consideration before naming their child after him :(

Comments for Maiken

Maiken Caspersen Falla is a Norwegian skier and the second most successful skier in the world.

Comments for Majken

This name is VERY common for little girls in Sweden. If you live here, you'll probably come across at least one in your lifetime.

Comments for Rosette

Rosett means "bow" in Swedish. As in decorative bows.

Comments for Rosmarie

This is also the Swedish spelling.

Comments for Shweta

Oxyopes Shweta is also a species of Lynx Spider.

Comments for Talia 2

Talia is also the name of a genus of crickets.