(forgot last one)
in reply to a message by Caroline
This is my daughter Caroline (no nn):
say: lovely name
think: it's good to hear people using the classics
This is my daughter Elizabeth (Liz):
say: I love Elisabeth
think: why does a beautiful name like Elisabeth need a nn
This is my daughter Julia Genevieve (Genevieve):
say: beautiful name
think: why didn'y you just give her Genevieve as a fn
This is my daughter Rebecca Grace (no nickname):
say: gorgeous name
think: so simple & sweet
This is my daughter Margaretta Katherine (Maggie):
say: lovely name
think: I love Katherine
This is my daughter Susannah Frances (no nickname):
say: beautiful
think: I love Frances
say: lovely name
think: it's good to hear people using the classics
This is my daughter Elizabeth (Liz):
say: I love Elisabeth
think: why does a beautiful name like Elisabeth need a nn
This is my daughter Julia Genevieve (Genevieve):
say: beautiful name
think: why didn'y you just give her Genevieve as a fn
This is my daughter Rebecca Grace (no nickname):
say: gorgeous name
think: so simple & sweet
This is my daughter Margaretta Katherine (Maggie):
say: lovely name
think: I love Katherine
This is my daughter Susannah Frances (no nickname):
say: beautiful
think: I love Frances