Ari's Murder Mystery CAF #3
THE HOST Lord August Wulfstan Hastings, 7th Earl of Ashbourne Amoret
Lady _______ Hastings , Lord August's wife, will be our hostess for the evening. Poised, elegant, with head-spinning charm and a sharp, mischievous smile, she seems nearly as devoted to her husband as she is to the garden surrounding The Nightingale's Nest. Though the shocking revelation at dinner (as suggested by Ohad Yigal) that he owned the largest opium company in colonial India, selling it to China and creating generations of opium eaters, might sway her affections...
Lord August - a paragon of tradition - insists nothing be changed about the house he inherited from his dear grandfather, and fussed even over the addition of his and _______ 's wedding portrait being hanged among the likenesses of his ancestors, but his wife has free rein of the gardens. And what wonders she has accomplished there!
There is the French garden, trim and manicured. There is the English garden - artfully unruly. There is the hedge maze, with a statue of Janus commissioned by Lady _______ in the middle. Most saliently, perhaps, there is the poisonous greenhouse, whose visitors are instructed always to wear gloves - this is where Lady _______ grows an arsenal of poisonous and venomous plants. She gave all the visitors a tour before dinner - anyone could have slipped in and cut some leaves of foxglove. Is it just me, or does the soup have a bitter aftertaste?

Lady _______ _______ Hastings
First name: means "white", "fair", "pale", or "blond".
Middle name: Germanic (
BONUS: (optional, just for fun - I may or may not take inspiration): Why, in particular, is Lady _______ so shocked and offended by the revelation that her husband, Lord August Hastings, owned an opium company in colonial India?
masculine list:
feminine list:
Lady _______ Hastings , Lord August's wife, will be our hostess for the evening. Poised, elegant, with head-spinning charm and a sharp, mischievous smile, she seems nearly as devoted to her husband as she is to the garden surrounding The Nightingale's Nest. Though the shocking revelation at dinner (as suggested by Ohad Yigal) that he owned the largest opium company in colonial India, selling it to China and creating generations of opium eaters, might sway her affections...
Lord August - a paragon of tradition - insists nothing be changed about the house he inherited from his dear grandfather, and fussed even over the addition of his and _______ 's wedding portrait being hanged among the likenesses of his ancestors, but his wife has free rein of the gardens. And what wonders she has accomplished there!
There is the French garden, trim and manicured. There is the English garden - artfully unruly. There is the hedge maze, with a statue of Janus commissioned by Lady _______ in the middle. Most saliently, perhaps, there is the poisonous greenhouse, whose visitors are instructed always to wear gloves - this is where Lady _______ grows an arsenal of poisonous and venomous plants. She gave all the visitors a tour before dinner - anyone could have slipped in and cut some leaves of foxglove. Is it just me, or does the soup have a bitter aftertaste?

Lady _______ _______ Hastings
First name: means "white", "fair", "pale", or "blond".
Middle name: Germanic (
BONUS: (optional, just for fun - I may or may not take inspiration): Why, in particular, is Lady _______ so shocked and offended by the revelation that her husband, Lord August Hastings, owned an opium company in colonial India?
masculine list:
feminine list:
This message was edited 4/21/2024, 4:32 AM
Lady Maiwenn Chlodechilda Hastings
Lady Feyre Adelais Hastings
Lady Feyre and her underworld business associates have a controlling interest in the Chinese consortium that recently purchased a thriving Indian opium company. She had not been aware that her husband owned that company. Nor is Lord Hastings aware that his adoring wife is, in fact, a notorious crime lord.
Lady Feyre and her underworld business associates have a controlling interest in the Chinese consortium that recently purchased a thriving Indian opium company. She had not been aware that her husband owned that company. Nor is Lord Hastings aware that his adoring wife is, in fact, a notorious crime lord.
Lady Rowena Gertrud Hastings
Her marriage to August was arranged by her parents. Her true love was a young gentleman from India, but her family would not stand for it. In the early days of her marriage, they communicated secretly through letters, but one day those stopped abruptly, and she feared his on and off opium addiction may have finally consumed him. In time, she learned to be happy with August, but her first love was never quite forgotten…
Her marriage to August was arranged by her parents. Her true love was a young gentleman from India, but her family would not stand for it. In the early days of her marriage, they communicated secretly through letters, but one day those stopped abruptly, and she feared his on and off opium addiction may have finally consumed him. In time, she learned to be happy with August, but her first love was never quite forgotten…
Lady Xanthe Rosmunda Hastings
Lady Olwen Bertha Hastings
Lady Annabel Odilia Hastings
Lady Bianca Farahild Hastings
Her mother was treated with opium for chronic pains, becoming a shadow of her former self before Bianca's very eyes. Being her mother's constant companion, Bianca began to hate the drug with burning, vile passion and has sworn to have nothing to do with it.
Her mother was treated with opium for chronic pains, becoming a shadow of her former self before Bianca's very eyes. Being her mother's constant companion, Bianca began to hate the drug with burning, vile passion and has sworn to have nothing to do with it.
may the best parent win!
Oh, I didn't even realize haha! Indeed!
Lady Blanche Irma Hastings
Lady Blanche's father was a british military commander, who, during his tenure in India, got hooked on opium after a serious injury, eventually overdosing to death. She has since sworn sobriety, founding a teetotaler womens' circle in her town.
Lady Blanche's father was a british military commander, who, during his tenure in India, got hooked on opium after a serious injury, eventually overdosing to death. She has since sworn sobriety, founding a teetotaler womens' circle in her town.
Lady Flavia Adalgard Hastings was complicit in her husband’s opium business herself, and might have been the one actually pulling the strings. She thought the public had long since forgotten.
This message was edited 4/21/2024, 2:37 PM
Lady Guinevere Ermengard Hastings
Lady Gwendolen Herleva Hastings
Lady Blodwen Saxa Hastings