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Re: Fantasy KUY Congrats (1/8)
H, 45: Mercury Winchester Blackbird
W, 40: Maia Charity SunshineMercury Blackbird was a slippery, rakish spy at His Majesty's service - except, of course, for the times when he was a double agent and answered to the wicked Duke of Wrenfield. Except, of course, for the times when he was a triple agent and was only pretending to answer to the wicked Duke of Wrenfield. Except, of course, for the times he was a quadruple- let's stop here. Suffice it to say that during one of his missions, Mercury suffered a spinal injury which, regretfully, cut off his flourishing career as a double-crossing knave.Maia Sunshine, known for her vivacity, good cheer, and the fact she never refused a patient, was an apothecary skilled in healing magic. As Mercury had betrayed most healers in Guildford, where this tale takes place, he was not welcome at any reputable establishments but Maia's. She mended many a bone of his, and nursed many a hangover. But even her magic was not enough to fix his rickety back. Therefore, she suggested, quite boldly for an unwed woman of thirty-nine, that Mercury retire from knavery and wed her instead. And so he did. 🕊️❣️🌻💌🌻❣️🕊️masculine list:
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Great story, cant wait to hear more! I’ll probably release mt next one tomorrow
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