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Re: Belphoebe's Artsy CG (9)
DH: Ismael Kade Elwyn
DW: Cleo Lenora Lum

DS1: Kade Vyvyan Elwyn
•DW: Veerle Winifred van der Linden
••DS: Eden Ishmael
••DS: Niko Cashel
••DS: Henrik Jebediah DS2: Bram Edmund Elwyn
•DW: Frida Wilhelmina Annasohn
••DD: Branwen Ebba
••DD: Eira Junie DD3: Sophronia Khione Elwyn
DS: Jonathan Silvester Bowman
••DD/DS: Eurydice Mary / Leodis Henry
••DS/DS: Sylvan Crispin / Magdalena BloomDS: Nils Arturus Elwyn
DD: Alana Hebe Elwyn
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