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Re: 1940s CAF
DH [73]: Ernest Peter (Williams)
DW [73]: Martha Edith (Gilbert)DD [49]: Hazel Martha
DS [48]: Charlie Fred
DD [45]: Inez Loretta~~~DD [49]: Hazel Martha
DH [54]: Reuben Eli (Burton)DS [28]: Joseph Max
-DW [29]: Carolyn Jeanne (Klein)
--DD [3]: Sandra Marilyn “Sandy”
--DD [nb]: Peggy June DS [25]: Rufus Peter
-DGF [22]: Miriam Faye (Quimby)DS [21]: James Roland
DD [19]: Anna Joy~~~DS [48]: Charlie Fred
DW [47]: Fern Alma (Ford)DD [22]: Rosemary Alma “Rosie”
-DH [23]: Leon Anthony (Xavier)DD [17]: Charlotte Lila “Lottie”~~~DD [45]: Inez Loretta
DH [45]: Jasper Abraham (McNiven)DS [20]: Nathaniel John
DD [19]: Violet Naomi
DD [17]: Grace JacquelineSarah -
Wife to Paul
Mama to:
Jasper Emmanuel (2010)
Jethro Zion (2014)
Eden Arielle (2017)
Moses Remiel (2018)
Gideon Eliezer (2023)
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