Name: Sassandra
SmithAge: 44
Occupation: Actress in Children's TV show
Hobbies: Cooking
Significant other (if applicable)
Sylvester Smith
Age: 44
Occupation: Makes and sells clothing/costumes
Hobbies: Stage acting, cooking
Current children? (names, ages, hobbies) Stetson, 20, likes to help out his father
Others living with you? (names, ages, hobbies) N/A
Pets? (name, type, demeanor) N/A
What is/are the household's religion(s)? Christian
What language(s) do household members speak? English
Do you travel? If so, how often and where to? No travelling :)
Would you like to adopt or just to take in custody? Adopt
How many children would you like to adopt: [4 max] 4
Gender(s): Boys preferred, but will accept pregnant teens or teens with babies/toddlers, as below
Age: [newborn-18] 6 or older
Nationality preference: No preference
Languages preference: English
Religion preference: No preference
Demeanor preference (optional): Quiet, calm, polite, friendly
Will you accept/would you prefer:
--siblings? Preferred
--multiples? Preferred
--kids with pets? (what types)
Will accept kids with dogs
--children with disabilities/illnesses? (learning, physical, behavioral, emotional, terminal) We can accept kids with physical or learning disabilities.
--pregnant teen/teen parent? Yes
----with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes
----with baby/toddler? Yes
Other preferences: No