LN: Swift
Bella NadineAge: 23
Occupation: Pharmacy Technician
Interests: Knitting, crochet, needle-point
Disabilities: none
Joel CarterAge: 25
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
Interests: Basketball and other sports
Disabilities: none
Children: none
Others living with you (your parents, grandparents, etc.): no one
Pets (species, other information): 1 cat "
Hometown: Waynesville, NC
House description: 5 bedroom log house
Languages spoken: English, Spanish
Religion: Methodist
Misc.: none
Number of children you’d like to adopt (max 7): 7
Genders: any
Ages (nb-19): under 17
Nationality/Country of origin: any
Language preference: English or Spanish
Religion preference: any
Will you accept:
-Children with pets (what kind?): yes, dogs and cats that do well with other animals
-Siblings?: yes
-Friends?: yes
-Disabilities? (kinds and severities): mild learning and physical
-Multiples?: yes
-Pregnant teen?: yes
-Teen mom, dad, or both?: both
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents?: yes