Re: Star.frog's Adoption Agency
by Stephanie (guest)
4/29/2008, 6:53 AM
Last Name: Mitchell
You: (name, age and interests) Stephanie, 28, genealogy and writing
SO: (name, age and interests) Ryan, 29, antique farm machinery
Children: (names, ages and interests) Joanna, 2, playing outside and reading
Pet(s): (names, species) Scout (dog) and Aristotle (cat)
Others living with you: none
Religion: Catholic
Family interests: being outside, volunteering, family functions
Other info: we live in a large farm house in Central Illinois
Number of children: (up to 3) 3
Genders: either
Ages: any, but would like at least one baby
Nationality: any
Siblings: acceptible but not necessary
Multiples: acceptible but not necessary
Pregnant teens: acceptible
Teen mothers/fathers: acceptible
Disabilities: (types, severities): mild physical or mental
Will you accept kids with pets? If so, what kind(s): yes, not exotic
Will you allow them to stay in contact with parents/other sibs: yes, if desired
Language preference: any, if they can learn English
Religion preference: any