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Re: Congrats, Round Five
in reply to a message by Amy
AAAHHH!!! *has a mentle breakdown* You didn't give me any boy names that start with A. My theme is broken! *goes mad*SedaTaika Taru and Sunder Ares
DS: Dmitri Augustus
DS: Florian Adonis
DD/DD/DD: Luna Ayelet / Hazel Anneliese / Mirabelle Adara
DS: Eli Alexis
DS/DD: Julian Micah and Willow Alena
Fish: King George of TallulahI love Micah. It's my favourite boy's name of all time. I goess it makes up for no A name.-Seda*
~The Kelley Episodes~

Promise: But I don't want a "fountian drink". I just want a Coke.
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Oh, sorry! I didn't even pick up on that. Heh. :-) -Amy-
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It's okay....I'll survive...*pro-life*
~The Kelley Episodes~

Promise: But I don't want a "fountian drink". I just want a Coke.
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