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Re: Congratulations Round 4
FallonGray: Fallon & Jake, along with their sons Jude Samuel, Calvin Hunter, & Everett Paul, are thrilled to announce the arrival of triple the blessing & triple the pink. They’ve welcomed three darling daughters into their family…
Susanna Ellen
Lilia Raine
Maggie Prudence
Born August 19th, at 9: 56, 9:58, and 10:01 am
3 lbs 2 oz, 4 lbs 1 oz, 3 lbs 10 oz and all 19 inches
Susanna, Lilia, and Maggie were born with light blonde hair, Susanna has light blue eyes, while Lilia and Maggie have dark blue eyes.
Jude, Calvin, and Everett are thrilled to have three darling little sisters!
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