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Re: Congratulations Round 1
Can I play? I posted this below...Your Name: Samantha
Significant Other (you can make it up/change it from the last time if you want to): Dylan
Number of Rounds (between 1 and 10): 10 (why not?)
Multiples (yes/no): sure

This message was edited 3/29/2005, 12:20 AM

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>>>28. SamanthaC: It’s a darling little princess for proud parents Samantha & Dylan…Sorry, the announcement was there. You probably didn't see it because there wasn't a space between your's & the one above it. I apologize for that...
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Oh! I'm so sorry, I totally didn't even see it there! Thanks :)It’s a darling little princess for proud parents Samantha & Dylan. They are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Sophie Isabelle.
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