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HUGE judged CAF
This is my mother's side of the family, so there is a lotDH: DE 76
DW: SM 73DS: ME 47
DD: CA 43
DD: ME 40
DS: SO 38ME's family
DH: ME 47
ExW: MJ 47DS: JM 24
DS: WE 20JM's family
DF (father) JM 24
DM (mother) SL 24DD: JM 8
DS: JM 4
DS: AJ 1CA's family
ExH JO 55 (deceased)
DW: CA 43DD: AE 15DH: LEDD: LR 24
DD: JL 18
DS: ML 14LR's family
DM (mother) LR 24DS: AM 2ME's familyDH: LL 46
DW: ME 40DD: JL 19
DD: SA 15
DS: LF 14SO's familyDH: SO 38
ExW: LM 35DD: NR 15
DS: TO 13
DS: RS 10Have Fun :)Jamieson
PS: i didn't include my family... i don't know why!
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DH: Donald Evan 76
DW: Sarah Marie 73DS: Mark Edward 47
DD: Caroline Anna (Carol) 43
DD: Maria Elizabeth 40
DS: Stephen Owen 38ME's family
DH: Mark Edward 47
ExW: Marcia Jane 47DS: James Michael (Jim) 24
DS: William Edward (Bill) 20JM's family
DF (father) James Michael 24
DM (mother) Stephanie Lauren 24DD: Jamie Michelle 8
DS: Jackson Mark 4
DS: Ashton Jacob 1CA's family
ExH Joseph Oliver 55 (deceased)
DW: Caroline Anna (Carol) 43DD: Amanda Elise 15DH: Lester Ellis (Les)DD: Lori Renee 24
DD: Jaclyn Lorraine 18
DS: Mitchell Landon 14LR's family
DM (mother) Lori Renee 24DS: Aaron Michael 2

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You got 15 out of 68!Jamieson
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I don't know if we are supposed to try and guess the names, but that's what I'm going to do!DH: Donald Eugene 76
DW: Shirley Margaret 73DS: Michael Edward 47
DD: Christine Angela 43
DD: Mary Elizabeth 40
DS: Steven Oliver 38ME's family
DH: Michael Edward 47
ExW: Michelle Janet 47DS: Joshua Matthew 24
DS: William Eric 20JM's family
DF (father) Joshua Matthew 24
DM (mother) Sarah Lauren 24DD: Jessica Megan 8
DS: Jacob Matthew 4
DS: Austin Joshua 1CA's family
ExH James Owen 55 (deceased)
DW: Christine Angela 43DD: Alyssa Emily 15DH: Luke EvanDD: Lisa Rachel 24
DD: Jennifer Lauren 18
DS: Marcus Luke 14LR's family
DM (mother) Lisa Rachel 24DS: Andrew Mason 2ME's familyDH: Larry Leonard 46

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you got 13 out of 68Jamieson
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DH: David Earl 76
DW: Sylvia Marian 73DS: Mark Edward 47
DD: Carol Ann 43
DD: Michelle Elaine 40
DS: Stephen Oliver 38ME's family
DH: Mark Edward 47
ExW: Mary Joanne 47DS: Jonathan Mark 24
DS: William Edward 20JM's family
DF (father) Jonathan Mark 24
DM (mother) Stephanie Lynn 24DD: Jacob Mark 8
DS: Joshua Mason 4
DS: Alexander James 1CA's family
ExH John Oliver 55 (deceased)
DW: Carol Ann 43DD: Allison Elizabeth 15DH: Louis EugeneDD: Lauren Rebecca 24
DD: Jessica Lynn 18
DS: Matthew Louis 14LR's family
DM (mother) Lauren Rebecca 24DS: Aidan Mitchell 2ME's familyDH: Leonard Louis 46
DW: Michelle Elaine 40DD: Jennifer Lynn 19
DD: Sarah Ann 15
DS: Leo Frederick 14SO's familyDH: Stephen Oliver 38
ExW: Laura Marie 35DD: Natalie Rachel 15
DS: Thomas Oliver 13
DS: Ryan Samuel 10
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You got 13 out of 68Jamieson
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DH: Daniel Edward 76
DW: Sarah May 73DS: Matthew Edward 47
DD: Carol Anne 43
DD: Martha Ellen 40
DS: Stephen Oliver 38ME's family
DH: Matthew Edward 47
ExW: Maria Janine 47DS: Jacob Matthew 24
DS: Wright Evan 20JM's family
DF (father) Jacob Matthew 24
DM (mother) Samantha Lauren 24DD: Josie Marie 8
DS: Jonah Matthew 4
DS: Alexander Jonathon 1CA's family
ExH John Owen 55 (deceased)
DW: Carol Anne 43DD: Amy Elaine 15DH: Leroy ElliottDD: Lauren Renee 24
DD: Joanna Lynn 18
DS: Michael Leroy 14LR's family
DM (mother) Lauren Renee 24DS: Alexander Marcus 2ME's familyDH: Lloyd Leroy 46
DW: Martha Ellen 40

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you got 12 out of 68 pointsJamieson
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DH: David Elliott 'David' 76
DW: Suzanna Marie 'Suzie' 73DS: Michael Elliott 'Michael' 47
DD: Claire Anne 'Claire' 43
DD: Marie Emma 'Marie' 40
DS: Simon Oliver 'Simon' 38ME's family
DH: Michael Elliott 'Michael' 47
ExW: Maryanne Julie 'Maryanne' 47DS: James Michael 'James' 24
DS: William Elliott 'Will' 20JM's family
DF (father) James Michael 'James' 24
DM (mother) Sophie Louise 'Sophie' 24DD: Jaida Maddison 'Jaida' 8
DS: Jeryn Michael 'Jeryn' 4
DS: Aden James 'AJ' 1CA's family
ExH John Owen 'John' 55 (deceased)
DW: Claire Anne 'Claire' 43DD: Anne Ellouise 'Annie' 15DH: Liam Edward 'Liam'DD: Lucy Rose 'Lucy' 24
DD: Jane Lily 'Jane' 18
DS: Marc Liam 'Marc' 14LR's family
DM (mother) Lucy Rose 'Lucy' 24DS: Adam Matthew 'Adam' 2ME's familyDH: Louis Lincoln 'Louis' 46
DW: Marie Emma 'Marie' 40DD: Jasmine Louise 'Jazz' 19
DD: Suzanne Alicia 'Suz' 15
DS: Lincoln Finley 'Fin' 14SO's familyDH: Simon Oliver 'Simon' 38
ExW: Lara Monique 'Lara' 35DD: Natalie Rachel 'Tali' 15
DS: Thomas Oliver 'Tom' 13
DS: Raymond Simon 'Ray' 10
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You got 9 out of 68
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DH: Daniel Edward 76
DW: Susannah Margot 73DS: Maxwell Edward 47
DD: Claire Alexandra 43
DD: Margaret Emily 40
DS: Samuel Oliver 38ME's family
DH: Maxwell Edward 47
ExW: Madeline Juliana 47DS: James Maxwell 24
DS: William Edward 20JM's family
DF (father) James Maxwell 24
DM (mother) Susannah Louise 24DD: Julia Margaret 8
DS: James Maxwell 4
DS: Alexander James 1CA's family
ExH Josephine Olivia 55 (deceased)
DW: Claire Alexandra 43DD: Anna Elisabeth 15DH: Laurence EdwardDD: Laura Rachel 24
DD: Julia Louise 18
DS: Maxwell Laurence 14LR's family
DM (mother) Laura Rachel 24DS: Alexander Maxwell 2ME's familyDH: Laurence Lucas 46

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you got 5 out of 68
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DH: Dennis Edward 76
DW: Sylvia Margaret 73DS: Michael Edward 47
DD: Catherine Anne 43
DD: Margaret Elizabeth 40
DS: Seth Oliver 38ME's family
DH: Michael Edward 47
ExW: Mary Josephine 47DS: Joseph Micahel 24
DS: William Edward 20JM's family
DF (father) Joseph Micahel 24
DM (mother) Sarah Louise 24DD: Jada Marie 8
DS: James Michael 4
DS: Alexander Joseph 1CA's family
ExH John Oliver 55 (deceased)
DW: Catherine Anne 43DD: Abigail Eve 15DH: Lewis EdwardDD: Lauren Rose 24
DD: Jennifer Louise 18
DS: Matthew Lewis 14LR's family
DM (mother) Lauren Rose 24DS: Adam Mitchell 2ME's familyDH: Laurence Lucas 46
DW: Margaret Elizabeth 40

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You got 15 out of 68!
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You got 17 points out of 68! good job!Jamieson
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DH: Dennis Edmund 76
DW: Sophia Magdalene 73DS: Marcus Edmund 47
DD: Calista Alison 43
DD: Melanie Eve 40
DS: Samuel Odell 38ME's family
DH: Marcus Edmund 47
ExW: Maria Josephine 47DS: Jared Michael 24
DS: Wyatt Edmund 20JM's family
DF (father) Jared Michael 24
DM (mother) Samantha Lynn 24DD: Jocelyn May 8
DS: Jonathan Michael 4
DS: Aiden Joseph 1CA's family
ExH James Oliver 55 (deceased)
DW: Calista Alison 43DD: Ariana Elizabeth 15DH: Larry ErnestDD: Lola Rachel 24
DD: Jacqueline Lisette 18
DS: Malcolm Luka 14LR's family
DM (mother) Lola Rachel 24DS: Andrew Matthias 2ME's familyDH: Lawrence Linus 46
DW: Melanie Eve 40

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This message was edited 2/22/2005, 1:25 PM

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You got 6 points out of 68Jamieson
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DH: David Edward 76
DW: Sarah Miriam 73DS: Matthew Edward 47
DD: Claire Alexandra 43
DD: Margaret Elaine 40
DS: Scott Owen 38ME's family
DH: Matthew Edward 47
ExW: Marie Jennifer 47DS: James Matthew 24
DS: William Eric 20JM's family
DF (father) James Matthew 24
DM (mother) Susannah Louise 24DD: Juliet Marie 8
DS: Jordan Michael 4
DS: Adam Joshua 1CA's family
ExH Jacob Oliver 55 (deceased)
DW: Claire Alexandra 43DD: Anna Elizabeth 15DH: Lucas ElliottDD: Lily Rebecca 24
DD: Joy Laura 18
DS: Martin Louis 14LR's family
DM (mother) Lily Rebecca 24DS: Alexander Morgan 2ME's familyDH: Lionel Lawrence 46
DW: Margaret Elaine 40

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You got 6 out of 68!Jamieson
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DH: Darren Edwin 76
DW: Sylvia Margareta 73DS: Matthias Edwin 47 'Matt'
DD: Caroline Annika 43 'Carrie'
DD: Megan Eleanora 40 'Meg'
DS: Stephan Oscar 38 'Steph'ME's family
DH: Matthias Edwin 47 'Matt'
ExW: Marianna Jeanie 47 'Mia'DS: Josiah Matthias 24 'Jos'
DS: William Edwin 20 'Will'JM's family
DF (father) Josiah Matthias 24 'Jos'
DM (mother) Simone Lillian 24 'Sim'DD: Julia Margareta 8
DS: Jachin Matthias 4 'Jachy'
DS: Alberic Josiah 1 'Alby'CA's family
ExH Jason Owen 55 (deceased)
DW: Caroline Annika 43 'Carrie'DD: Alexandra Esme 15DH: Laurent EdgarDD: Lucia Ruth 24
DD: Jenna Liesl 18

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This message was edited 2/22/2005, 12:52 PM

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you got 5 out of 68! i did include different spellings. Jamieson
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DH: David Elliott 76
DW: Sarah Marie 73DS: Matthew Elliott 47
DD: Catherine Anne 43
DD: Mary Elizabeth 40
DS: Samuel Otis 38ME's family
DH: Matthew Elliott 47
ExW: Maureen Joanne 47DS: Jason Matthew 24
DS: Wesley Elliott 20JM's family
DF (father) Jason Matthew 24
DM (mother) Stephanie Lynne 24DD: Julia Mary 8
DS: Justin Matthew 4
DS: Adam James 1A's family
ExH Joseph Oliver 55 (deceased)
DW: Catherine Anne 43DD: Anna Elizabeth 15DH: Luke EdwardDD: Laura Renee 24
DD: Jessica Leigh 18
DS: Michael Luke 14LR's family
DM (mother) Laura Renee 24DS: Avery Miles 2ME's familyDH: Leonard Lyle 46
DW: Mary Elizabeth 40DD: Jamie Lucille 19
DD: Samantha Alison 15
DS: Liam Francis 14SO's familyDH: Samuel Otis 38
ExW: Lindsey Marie 35DD: Natalie Ruth 15
DS: Tristan Otis 13
DS: Ryan Samuel 10
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You got 18 out of 68 points! I will post the answers later and i do count the names twice if it is written twice (once for DD, once for DW) if they are the same personJamieson
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