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Re: LadyBug's Congrats Round 10! (Final Round)
Username: Ebba
~* Round 10 of 10
LN: Lawrence
DH: Caden Alistair
DW: Melissa Harriet 'Melly'
DS: Aaron James (18)
DS: James Scott 'Jem' (16)
DD: Riley Caden (14)
DD: Paige Alexa (12)
DS/DS/DD: Rory Alistair/ Spencer Carey / Taylor Ruby (10)
DS: Finlay Caleb (8)
DD: Madison Ellen 'Maddie' (6)
DD: Annie Grace (4)
DS: Jacob Blake 'Jake' (2)
Ddog: Kit
Ddog: Kestrel
DD: Carrie Alexus (0)Thanks for a really great game!
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