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Re: generation caf three 17.1
in reply to a message by Evie
dh (91) oscar jack barton
dw (89) jasmine bella (casey) barton ds1 (70) thomas christian barton
ds2 (68) benjamin ryan barton
dd1 (64) renee mabel (barton)
dd2 (57) cleo ashley (barton)oscar and jasmine w/ thomas, benjamin, renee and cleo*
ds1 (70) thomas christian barton
dw (70) adelaide lara (owen) bartondd (50) olivia jasmine (barton) webster
- exh (51) george alexander mccormick
- ds (32) alexander george mccormick
-- dw (32) emily holly (osborne) mccormick
-- ds (5) alexander george mccormick
-- ds (3) noah beau mccormick
-- dd (nb) rose christina mccormick
alex and emily w/ sasha, noah and rose
- dd (29) madeleine erica (mccormick) olsen
-- dh (33) daniel christopher olsen
-- dd (4) evangeline alexandra olsen
-- dd (2) esme jayma olsen
-- dd (exp) sarah lucille olsen
maddy and daniel w/ evie, esme and exp sarah
olivia and george w/ alex and maddy
- dh (48) joshua jacob webster
- dd (20) elizabeth anna webster
-- dgf (34) lily grace moss
betty with girlfriend lily
- ds (15) flynn maxwell webster
olivia and joshua w/ betty and flynndd (47) molly kirra (barton) blake
- dh (47) bradley albert blake
- ds (6) jude liam blake
molly and bradley w/ jude ds (40) ronan david barton
- dw (36) hannah iris (larsen) barton
- dd (5) natalia juniper barton
- dd (2) alice katherine barton
ronan and hannah w/ natalia and alice tommy and adelaide w/ olivia, molly and ronan *
ds2 (68) benjamin ryan barton
exw (68) nicole amada conner ds (48) benjamin ryan barton
- dw (42) nadia josephine (drake) barton
- dd (15) luna zoe barton
- dd (13) sienna poppy barton
- dd (10) emilia remi barton
- ds (5) levi drake barton
ben and nadia w/ luna, sienna, emilia and levi ds (46) sean patrick barton
- dw (45) kaitlyn crystal (stevenson) barton
- ds (20) joel christian barton
-- dgf (20) cassie june wilkinson
-- dd (nb) mara willa barton
joel and cassie w/ mara
- dd (17) vivienne brooklyn barton
- dd (14) edith leonor barton
- ds (3) grey scott barton
sean and kaitlyn w/ joel, vivienne, edith and grey ds (43) sebastian eli barton ds (41) ryan joshua barton
- dgf (34) olive ioni bryan
- dd (4m) isla blake barton
ryan and olive w/ islabenjamin and nicole w/ ben, sean, seb and ryan dw (62) alma belle (brennan) bartonds (37) hunter jensen barton
- dw (34) chloe jayde (kirby) barton
- ds (6) jensen hunter barton
- dd (2) belle jennifer barton
hunter and chloe w/ jensen and belle ds (35) ellis josiah barton
- dfiance (39) ethan cheyenne lloyd
ellis with fiance ethandd (23) ariah esther barton
- dbf (26) logan adam underwood
ariah with boyfriend logan benjamin and alma w/ hunter, ellis and ariah*
dd1 (64) renee mabel (barton) blanchett
dh (64) leonardo galen blanchettdd (42) sophie ava (blanchett) walton
- dh (42) casey dash walton
- ds (18) jamie thomas walton
- ds (17) zac frederick walton
- dd & dd (14) amelie louise walton & arlo eve walton
- ds (4) bodhi levi walton
sophie and casey w/ jamie, zac, amelie, arlo and bodhidd (40) evelyn harlow blanchett
- dw (29) eloise maria (warren) blanchett
- dds (21) corey oscar blanchett
- ds (3) aidan rowan blanchett
- dd (exp) elsie saylor blanchett
evie and eloise w/ corey, aidan and exp elsie dd (37) daniela zoey blanchett
- exh (38) hugo zachery paulson
- dd (7) harper sadie paulson
- dd (5) isabella beau paulson
daniela and hugo w/ harper and isabella dd (37) gwen luca (blanchett) adams
- dh (35) ronnie maverick adams
- dd (12) rosie gwen adams
- dd (10) frankie elsa adams
- dd (7) isabelle june adams
- ds (4) maverick joel adams
- ds (exp) greyson reign adams
gwen and ronnie w/ rosie, frankie, izzy, maverick and exp greysondd (34) amalia claire (blanchett) harper
- exh (35) alexander arthur clarke
- ds (18) brooks orlando clarke
- ds (16) enzo theodore clarke
- ds (13) lennox ziggy clarke
amalia and alex w/ brooks, enzo and lennox
- dh (32) rocco taylor harper
- ds (6) milo rocco harper
- dd (3) josie mireille harper
- dd (exp) ophelia summer harper
amalia and rocco w/ milo, josie and exp opheliadd (30) viola dylan blanchett
- dgf (28) sienna nova bloom
viola with girlfriend sienna renee and leo w/ sophie, evie, daniela, gwen, amalia and viola *
dd2 (57) cleo ashley (barton) vause
dh (57) tommie dashiell vause dd (32) kalliope briar (vause) capshaw
- dh (35) oliver hayes capshaw
- ds (9) dashiell tommie capshaw
- ds (7) gene tennessee capshaw
- dd (4) mali therese capshaw
- dd (1) kaya cleo capshaw
kalli and oliver w/ dashiell, gene, mali and kaya dd (29) delta alicia pompeo-vause
- dw (31) margot aurora pompeo-vause
- dd & ds (nb) riley veronica pompeo-vause & reid conrad pompeo-vause
delta and margot w/ riley and reid ds (26) tommie dashiell vause
- dfiance (36) baron justin whitman
tommie with fiance baron dd (15) everly scout vause
ads (9) ignatius evers vause cleo and tommie w/ kalli, dleta, tommie, everly and ignatius
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