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Re: 20th Century Dresses CAF Round 14
in reply to a message by Kaesy
DW: Nicole Araminta (LN: Fredriksson)
DH: Graeme Edward (LN: Brewster)

DD: Etta Arabelle
-DH: Hamish Sebastian (LN: Rowe)
-DD: Rhea Andromeda
-DS: Theseus Samson DD: Philippa Ophelia ‘Pippa’
-DH: Casper Emeric ‘Cass’ (LN: Ryder)
-DS: Augustus Castel ‘Gus’
-DD: Hanna SerenDD: Magnolia Georgette
-DH: Fletcher Dean (LN: O’Hannigan)
-DD: Oona Maeve
-DS: Henry Peregrine DS: Basil Arthur
-DW: Alice Virginia (LN: Garnet)
-DD: Nyx Gaia
-DS: Miles Octavian DD: Florence Poppy
-DH: Louis Scott ‘Louie’ (LN: Kane)
-DS: Jasper Arlo
-DS: Deacon Moses
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