Re: CAF With A Twist (Alt Version)
in reply to a message by Ohad Yigal

Fidda Awad (27) is a waitress at Abdulaziz & Sons, and the wife of one of the owners. Fidda is also the mother of two little boys, and has found out she is expecting a baby girl. When not working at the restaurant, Fidda enjoys sewing. She has a small business on Facebook selling custom-made dresses and scarves. She's had to slow down recently, however, as she's been very busy with the boys.
Next up: Fidda's imam

Imam Iskandar Haroun (61) is Fidda's Imam. Originally from Oran, Algeria, he emigrated to the US when there was a shortage of imams to lead congregations in Boston. He is married and has too many children to count. He speaks french, arabic and english, with a heavy french-arabic accent. He also works as a translator of english literature into maghrebi arabic.
Next up: Iskandar's mailman
This message was edited 3/25/2022, 2:04 PM

Leon Everett Prince (33) is Imam Iskandar’s mailman. Leon will have been a mailman for fifteen years this month, and unbeknownst to him, the post office is planning a party for him to celebrate. Together, he and his wife have one daughter together. In his free time, Leon sings in the choir at his church and volunteers with the local Teen Challenge.
Next up: Leon’s daughter
This message was edited 3/25/2022, 7:28 PM

Alexandra Alberta Prince (10) is Leon's daughter.
She is a shy girl, and does not talk much. She is in the girl scouts, and goes around selling cookies. Her father named her Alexandra after Iskandar, his favorite client, and Alberta, the canadian home state of his wife.
Next up: Alexandra's history teacher

Leah Cassandra Liphoto (28) is Alexandra's history teacher. Born and raised in Boston, Leah comes from a long line of educators: her father is an anthropology professor, her mother is a high school English teacher, and her grandmother was a teacher as well. Leah loves fashion and make-up as much as she loves history, and has done formal and prom makeup for both of her teenaged cousins. Leah's kindness towards and rapport with her students has cemented her place as student-favorite, though some teachers find her a little too relaxed. A few of them even consider her to be unprofessional, but Leah doesn't let that bother her. She knows her worth as a teacher and the impact she's making on these students' lives. Though she loves kids, Leah has none of her own. She recently got engaged on a trip to Atlanta.
Next up: Leah's fiance

Melchior Pedro Guerrero (27) is Leah's fiancee. Originally from Los Angeles, he moved to Boston to look for a career. He works as a motorcycle salesman, and plays oldschool rock music on the weekends with his band, "The Popinjays". He met Leah at the bar one night, and they were together ever since.
Next up: Melchior's boss

Darren Paul Washington (55) is Melchior's boss, the manager and owner of the motorcycle dealership. Darren started the business when he was 37, and has been riding motorcycles since college. He currently only owns one, but it's his pride and joy: a 2001 Harley Davidson VRod. He does all the mechanicwork on it himself, having originally been a mechanic before opening the dealership. Darren's a friendly boss with a laid-back workplace, but he won't stand for anyone gipping his devoted customers.
Next up: Darren's sister

Diana Joanne Washington (58) is Darren's older sister. Twice married, twice divorced, she recently decided to change her surname back to her maiden name. She runs a cornerstore in downtown boston, and currently lives alone. She likes to practice her baking in the free time, and sells her cookies under her own brand, "Diana's Fixin's".
next up: Diana's employee

Devon Joaquin Linares (16) is a cashier and stocker at Diana's cornerstore. He's a pretty solitary guy, spending most of his time at work and at underground concerts around town. He only really has one friend, his childhood best friend who moved when they were 12. They've stayed in touch through text. Devon's not great in school, but he plays in their Super Smash Brothers team. His speech coach has been trying to recruit him for the speech & debate team, and it's starting to work.
Next: Devon's best friend

Alexander Elkanah Menahemov (16), is Devon's best friend. He is a modern orthodox jew, and member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement. Kuni moved with his family from Boston to New York, and is currently studying at the prestigous Yeshiva of Flatbush. After finishing high school, he plans to go to Yeshiva University, then perhaps emigrate to Israel. Known as Alex among strangers, his friends call him "Kuni". When not studying, he works at a kosher deli, whipping up classic new york pastrami sandwiches. His guilty pleasures include old american country music and the pokemon anime.
next up: Kuni's boss
This message was edited 3/28/2022, 12:05 AM

Bathsheba Eliora Levy (52) is Kuni's boss. She is an Ashkenazi Jew, and a follower of Reform Judaism. Bathsheba inherited the deli from her father. Though she will employ anyone, most of her employees are also Jewish. Her family has lived in Brooklyn for six generations. Bathsheba crochets as a hobby, making stuffed animals and blankets for her nieces. Recently, she crocheted a kippah as a Hannukkah present for Kuni.
Next: Bathsheba's niece (one or both of them)

Iscah Sarah Ostermann (17) is Bathsheba's sororal niece. She's also jewish, although a bit more religiously strict than her aunt. She studies medieval jewish philosophy. She studies at a girls' school, where she has to wear a skirt, but will continue wearing pants until she gets married.
Next up: Iscah's boyfriend

Damion D'Angelo Leroux (17) is Iscah's boyfriend. In school for urban planning, Damion attends the City College of New York. He lives on-campus, and met Iscah at his job at a local clothing store. He grew up in a vaguely Christian household, and is now an agnostic. The religious differences can sometimes cause tension with the couple, but for the most part, they navigate it just fine. Damion is an excellent cook, and often brings supper to Iscah on long studying nights.
Next up: Damion's mother

Olympias Roberta McAdams (51) is Damion's mother. She came from a protestant household, and seeing her son become secular and date a jew has soured their relationship, as she disapproves of Iscah and wants her son to take a christian woman. She works at the new york times as an editor, and is the main money source of their family.
Next up: Olympias' coworker

Tteul Moon (30) is Olympias' coworker at the New York Times. She's a fashion columnist, so she doesn't work in Olympias' department, but she sees her from time to time. Tteul has been at the New York Times as a writer for a year now, and was an intern for another year before that. With her new salary, she was finally able to marry her fiancée this year, whom she had been engaged to for five years. Tteul has a pet dog, Bo-Bae, who is a Pomeranian. She loves him very much and frequently takes him on walks through the city.
Next up: Tteul's wife

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Williams (31) is Tteul's fiancee. She is a british-born shooting range trainer, but outside the butchy appearance, lies a little girl with a passion for old romance. She has a cockney accent.
I think we should end it here, as a new thread started.
This message was edited 3/28/2022, 9:21 AM
sounds good to me :)