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Re: CAF Generation
H: [91] Simon Levi Thomas
W: [73] Ayla Elsie (Northumberland) ThomasS1: [44] Tristan Noah Thomas
D1: [42] Danna Mari Thomas
D2: [40] Rochelle Elizabeth ThomasSimon & Ayla Thomas: Tristan, Danna and Rochelle******
S1: [44] Tristan Noah Thomas
W: [43] Tyra Ella (Wilton) ThomasD: [18] Naomi Mila Thomas
S: [16] Tristan "TJ" Noah Thomas, Jr.
D: [14] Lucy Abigail Thomas
S: [12] Eli Corbin Thomas
S: [9] Jakob Zion Thomas
S: [4] Asher Deon ThomasTristan & Tyra Thomas: Naomi, TJ, Lucy, Eli, Jakob and Asher******
D1: [42] Danna Mari (Thomas) Tanner
H: [51] Bo Oliver TannerS: [11] Jack Ian Tanner
S: [8] Owen James Tanner
S: [6] Ethan Elijah Tanner
S: [2] Finn Henry Tanner
D: [nb] Piper Rose TannerDanna & Bo Tanner: Jack, Owen, Ethan, Finn and Piper******
D2: [40] Rochelle Elizabeth (Thomas) Booth
H: [45] Leo Davon BoothS: [19] Weston Benjamin Booth
S: [16] Cael Isaac Booth
S: [13] Holden Jeremiah Booth
S: [11] Leo "Davon" Booth, Jr.
D: [10] Maya Audrey Booth
D: [8] Kaylah Haven Booth
D: [7] Nina Katlyn BoothRochelle & Leo Booth: Weston, Cael, Holden, Davon, Maya, Kaylah and Nina_______________________________________~Heidi~My 3 Sons
Matthew Duane
Nicholas Henry
Colin Conrad
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