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Re: caf
LN: Kelly
DH: Owen Lochlann
DW: Isla GreerDD1: Kennedy Caitriona
DS1: Brady Eion
DD2/DS2: Keelin Caoimhe / Aiden FinlayOwen & Isla
Kennedy, Brady, Keelin, and Aiden------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LN: Cullen
DW: Kennedy Caitriona
DH: Carson SamuelDD: Delilah Jacqueline "Lilah"
DS: Dawson James
DD: Desiree Leah "Desi"Carson & Kennedy
Lilah, Dawson, and Desi-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DH: Brady Eion
DW: Camilla Georgia "Cami"DD: Elise Rose "Elle"
DD: Emmeline Grace "Emme"
DS/DS: Phineas Henry "Finn" / Coby William
Brady & Cami
Elle, Emme, Finn, and Coby -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LN: Clark
DW: Keelin Caoimhe
DH: Thomas JudeDS: Mason Alexander
DS: Julian Gage
DS: Heath Matteo
Thomas & Keelin
Mason, Julian, and Heath-------------------------------------DH: Aiden Finlay
DW: Samantha Lauren "Sam"Aidan & Sam
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