3 months later...
The twins are now 6 months old, and they've just started to crawl. We've changed their names to Axel Edvard and Elise Dagny. They try to follow Lára round the house, much to her delight. The three of them often engage in fingerpainting sessions (although in the twins' case, it's more like bodypainting) and they also have the same musical interests (meaning they'll all dance to whatever jingle's on the TV). Axel is a friendly yet quiet boy, while Ellie is the talkative one. She's a real charmer, and will smile and babble at people whenever we go out. Jón and Lára find this immensely funny, and babble back at her (sometimes I join in as well).We're very happy with our new children, and couldn't picture our life without them anymore.
Sophie & Jón + Lára, Elise and Axel
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Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  bopperlynn  ·  10/16/2009, 7:58 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  Roey  ·  10/17/2009, 8:34 AM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  bopperlynn  ·  10/17/2009, 11:36 AM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  Helena  ·  10/17/2009, 4:52 AM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  bopperlynn  ·  10/17/2009, 11:07 AM
3 months later...  ·  Helena  ·  10/17/2009, 2:04 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  Fray  ·  10/16/2009, 11:12 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  bopperlynn  ·  10/17/2009, 11:04 AM
Six months later.....  ·  Fray  ·  10/18/2009, 4:17 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  Sarah  ·  10/16/2009, 8:51 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  bopperlynn  ·  10/16/2009, 9:33 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  gabriellagrace  ·  10/16/2009, 8:21 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  bopperlynn  ·  10/16/2009, 8:43 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  gabriellagrace  ·  10/16/2009, 9:10 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  Aderyn Azula  ·  10/16/2009, 8:14 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  bopperlynn  ·  10/16/2009, 8:34 PM
Re: Bopperlynn's Adoption Agency  ·  Aderyn Azula  ·  10/17/2009, 11:57 AM