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Mai Lien is a 14 year old girl from Veitnam.
Mai is 8 month pregnant. She has also had a hard time trusting people.
Her mother died at a young age and her father is an abusive. He sold her off as a slave before we found her and took her in.
She enjoys Sewing, Art, and Swimming.
She has Jet black hair and Brown eyes.Shui Li is a 2 year old boy from China.
Shui is staring to speak english as we have been teaching him since we got your application. He is best in Chineese though.
He enjoys animals, getting his picture taken and just playing.
Shui has Dark Brown hair and very Dark Green eyes.Iseul Hyun and Sang Young are 3 year old Korean twins.
They are both speaking sentences in Korean and some words in English.
Iseul enjoys Playing house, dolls, and playing with her brother.
Sang enjoys Playing outside, playing teacher to kids younger than him, and playing with his sister.
Both twins have Jet black curls and Almond colored eyes.
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Summer Jeana - 30
Christopher Jacob - 31
Mai Lien - 17
:: Peyton Cam - 3
Damian Connor - 12
Anika Faith - 8
Matthew Shui "Matty" - 4
Elaine Iseul "Laine" and Ezekiel Sang "Zeke" - 3It had been 4 years since we adopted our first child, Mai Lien. She took a long time to adjust to us. Because the organization helped the children learn English, she came to us with some knowledge of English. (Although she didn't speak much at the beginning). Once her daughter was born, Mai begame much more open- and even let Anika help her pick out the English name. Anika and her have quite bonded (especially over water).We then decided that we wanted to adopt a son to even out our family. We adopted a 2 year old boy from Chinese. We changed his name Matthew, which he adjusted to quite well. We nicknamed him Matty and he has learned English quite quickly. Two years later, he doesn't understand Chinese much at all. He has really enjoyed our dogs and has taken a likly to following after Damian.To finalize our family, we adopted three-year-old twins Iseul and Sang who we renamed Laine and Zeke. They love to play together and because of this, they have not been learning English as quickly as the others. The two have especially enjoyed playing with Peyton too- because of their similar age. They are all so enjoyable together.Its been a great. Thanks!
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