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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7
LN: Grace
DH: Dylan Munroe Grace (61)
DW: Julia September Grace (61)DS: Colin Isaac Grace (38)
-DW: Rachel Hailey (Butler) Grace (36)
-DS: Dominic Oscar Grace (15)
-DS: Charles Evan Grace (10)
-DD: Hannah Samantha Grace (6)
-DD: Elizabeth Laine ‘Libby’ Grace (4)
-DS: Gavin Emerson Grace (3)DS: Jesse Stephen Grace ‘Jess’ (34)
-DW: Isobel Claire (Langley) Grace (34)
-DS: Julian Kenneth Grace (10)
-DS: Jeremy Evan Grace (6)
-DD: Jocelyn Danielle Grace (3)
-DD: Catherine Zoe Grace (1)
-DD: Cleo Veronica Grace (nb)
DD: Jacqueline Natalie (Grace) Stephens ‘Jackie’ (32)
-DH: Sebastian Bryce "Seb" Stephens (33)
-DD: Molly Sofia Stephens (3)
-DS: Benjamin Eric "Benny" Stephens (nb)*DD: Dara Joselyn Grace (30)
-DH: Royce Shelby (29)DS: Xavier Jeremiah Grace (27)Dylan and Julia Grace; Colin, Jess, Jackie, Dara and Xavier
Colin and Rachel Grace; Dominic, Charles, Hannah, Libby and Gavin
Jess and Isobel Grace; Julian, Jeremy, Jocelyn, Catherine and Cleo
Jackie and Seb Stephens; Molly and Benny
Dara and Royce
Xavier*Made Benny a nickname for Benjamin
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