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Re: ATTN all players of my congrats
in reply to a message by Nikki
UN: Lorelei
LN: Sutton
DH: Johnathan Patrick "John" (navy)
DW: Madeleine Rose "Maddie"
DD/DS: Joanne Eve "Jo" / Simon Thomas
--Simon's Dgf: Rose Elisabeth Jones
---DS: Noah Alexander "Alex"
---DD: Josephine Hope "Jo"
---DD: Amber Kalina
--Jo's Dbf: Hunter Michael James
---DS: Benjamin Daniel James "Bennie"
---DS/DD/DD: Jack Warren James / Jane Breanna James / Jordan Isabella James
DD/DD: Emma Jade / Amy Louse (deaf)
--Amy's Dbf: Austin Matthew Miller
---DD: Joy Elizabeth Miller
---DD: Allison Rose Miller ”Allie”
--Emma’s DH: Robert Oliver "Rob" Young
---DS: Perry Robert Young
DD: Margaret Rose "Maggie" (autism)
DS: Howard Michael
--Dgf: Laurel Holly Stanton
DS: Christian Anthony "Chris"
AD: Eleanor Celine "Ellie"
Random Event Number: 33Your family decided to move. Where and why?John just found out that he was now stationed in South Carolina. The family was quite excited about moving. It has been a month and they are now settled in their base house. South Carolina is turning out to be an ideal place to live.
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