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Re: Echo's Random Event Congrats - Round One!!
in reply to a message by Echo

Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DexH: Carlisle Edward
DH: Jasper Simeon
DW: Serafina Rosalind
DS: Valentin Robert (nb)
You have caught your spouse cheating on you! What is your reaction? Do you separate or forgive them? (If you separate, split the two families apart. Choose one to remarry and describe the wedding and if they have children from a previous marriage. This will be the family to receive random events.)One day, I came home from work early.I was tired, so I went to lie down in my bed. I was shocked at what I saw when I opened my door. My husband. In bed with another woman. In utter shock, I slammed the door and walked next door to my best friends house. Since I have a key, I let myself in. It was only noon, so my friend, Anna, wasn't home yet. When she got home around 4:00, I told her what happened (and hoped she wouldn't mind that I helped myself to her ice cream). I decided I would stay with her for a little while and Anna went over to get my things. Carlisle and I decided to divorce. Keep in mind that I was 2 months pregnant at this point. Not too long after that fatal day, there was a new teacher at the school that I work at. (I'm a counseler. It's an elementary school). His name is Jasper Simeon. The two of us became friends, and one thing led to another (he was shocked that I'm single). A month after Val was born, we wed. He has no kids.
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