Re: Lauren

Where I live, we say Lauren and Loren the same way -- Lore-in / Lawr-in. We say Laurie and Lori, variations of a female name (gender doesn't change the pronounciation), this way as well. I am in the northeast US. I suppose, though, if Jane were meant to be pronounced "Yane" you'd live in Spain, or if it were meant to be pronounce Zhane you'd live in France. Accents differ, Lauren; why does that offend you? You wrote:
> Most people pronounce "Lauren" exactly as it is written...with the "au" making the soft "ah" sound<Many of us don't see 'au' being 'ah' as "exactly as it is written."I've never met a "Lahrin," as in Brahms, I admit. Lauren Bacall is Lahrin? Nah... Your birth sign is Tahris if you're a Taurus? "Your" is "Yahr"? Where do you live, anyway?
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Lauren  ·  February21Girl  ·  11/7/2005, 8:54 PM
Re: Lauren  ·  Gwenn  ·  11/9/2005, 3:09 PM
Re: Lauren  ·  Anneza  ·  11/7/2005, 10:01 PM
Re: Lauren  ·  laurenmichelle  ·  11/9/2005, 8:44 AM