I am still not trying to be picky, although you are. I will, however, try to explain what I mean.
Anna is asking about the gender of a name. Obviously, she is not a native speaker of English, and apparently, she translated the sentence one-to-one from her native language. The sentence sounds awkward, and, as far as I am concerned, the correct wording would be "What is the gender of that name?" Being a non-native speaker myself, I know it's OK to make such mistakes. I only made that comment because she put "sex in the Netherlands" as a subject. Now, *that* conveys something entirely different than what she wants. If anything, Mike C, the webmaster of this site, might neglect to read the entire message but (rightfully) assume it was not meant for this board.
Btw, my Webster's Dictionary gives the following definition of gender:
The fact, or condition of being a male or a female human being, especially with regard to how this affects or determines a person's self-image, social goals, etc.