Re: Anyone heard of this name?
in reply to a message by Sam
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that Minja is another form of the name "Minya" which means "older siter" in some language called Osage. I'm reading this from my baby book. It's just a guess. But I supposes it's better than "Tennage Mutant Minja Turtles"! (Just kidding Davidh! It used to be the only show my brother and I would watch together!)
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Anyone heard of this name?  ·  Sam  ·  7/7/2001, 9:01 AM
Re: Anyone heard of this name?  ·  'Cole  ·  7/8/2001, 6:35 AM
Re: Anyone heard of this name?  ·  'Cole  ·  7/8/2001, 6:24 AM
Re: Anyone heard of this name?  ·  Daividh  ·  7/7/2001, 11:38 AM