Re: Isaza
Isaza is a Basque surname, and Isasi, Izasa, and Izatza are other spellings that have become surnames in Spain. It is probably originally from the Basque word isats, "broom plant". This information is from a combination of Diccionario etimologico comparado de los appellidos Espanoles, Hispanoamericanos y Filipinos by Gutierre Tibon, and A Dictionary of Surnames by Hanks & Hodges.
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Isaza  ·  Cynyslende  ·  11/29/2006, 6:13 AM
Re: Isaza  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  11/29/2006, 8:03 AM
Re: Isaza  ·  david  ·  11/29/2006, 7:21 AM