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Re: Thanks, Gia...
Awww thanks Sarah ! Now that we have things solved for your baby. I still have nothing solved for Ryan ! LOL Oh well it is still all good!!
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What did I miss???You're having a baby, Sarahjeanne ???-- Nanaea
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Wow! Could that be the case? Lets see what the Anagram Oracle thinks about Nan's question: "You're having a baby, Sarahjeanne ???"- A hairy brave enjoys huge banana (probably refers to Neanderthal fathers-to-be; shamelessly free of responsibilities, they masticate fruits in the shade while their impregnated partners....
- Enjoy hash gay barbarian avenue (pregnancy can be wicked)
- Brave Arabs enjoy huge Hinayana (that'll be the day...when Arabs massively convert to Buddhism! Maybe in Hollywood)...
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*grins*It sure took me by surprise to see
"Enjoy hash gay barbarian avenue"
interpreted as having to do with pregnancy!
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LOL No I meant her Bf!!! LOL oh man I am laughing so hard right now! Thanks Nan and Palvos!! Cheered my day up!!
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Here's the scoopYou guys, my stomach hurts so bad from laughing!!! NO, I am NOT pregnant, not that I'm aware of anyways!! She did some snooping for me, and she was refering to Derek when she said "my baby". Don't worry, we don't have to panic on names just yet. I wouldn't keep it a secret anyways, you guys would definately know. It's not like you can tell my mom before I'm ready to or anything!! ROTFLMAO!!! Thanks for the annagrams, Pavlos , but they better be nicer when I really do get pregnant!!!Sarahjeanne
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"...but they better be nicer when I really do get pregnant!!! "
LOL! That I promise :)
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Thank you, Pavlos , I'll hold you to that. :)Sarah
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New Age names for Sarahjeanne's babies!Okay, now that you've revealed to us your boyfriend's name (Derek!), I've anagrammed New Age names for your babies! (If and when you should ever happen to have any New Age babies).SARAHJEANNE/DEREK =GIRLS
Kendrahaja Serene
Haneenja Dark-Seer
Rannah Jade-SeekerBOYS
Jahnarek Serenade
Jahn Kaean Red-Seer
Jake Hanan Red-Seer-- Nanaea
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Thanks, Nan! My favorites are Rannah Jade-Seeker and Jake Hanan Red-Seer. I really like the name Rannah as a varient of Hannah . I'll definately keep that in mind!SarahjeanneP.S.
Derek is Derek Matthew
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Just a *small* sampling of what "Sarahjeanne and Derek Matthew " yield:
- Warranted jet enema handshake
- Jam re-awakens threatened hand
- Hard wheat antennae jerk dames
- Threatened Jew and a mean shark
- Mean Satan and jerk where hated
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Whoops!! LOL
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That's okay, Gia !! We all got a good laugh out of it!!!Sarahjeanne
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