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Re: The meaning of the name "Shinya"
Okay, I do not know any Japanese, but long time back I wrote a perl script to read Unicode databases. And here is some output from that.Shinya in Shinya Nakano is U+771f U+77e2 in unicode characters. The Unihan database (from Unicode Consortium) then tells us that the first
means real, actual, true, genuine, and the second means arrow, dart; vow, swear. However, to emphasize the point made in the above post, (which is where I figured the Unicode encoding: Shinya Nakano's page just gives pictures, not characters) gives a large number of meanings for the word (I guess in the Anime context, but who cares?). The Kanjis that appear in that page, I list below:(The order of the pron for each kanji is
For Japanese the On and Kun columns are relevant.)The shin could come from
信 U+4fe1
*sìn|seon3|xin4(1068)|XIN4 SHEN1|SIN|tín|SHIN|MAKOTO TAYORI MAKASERU
trust, believe; letter
審 U+5be9
examine, investigate; judge
心 U+5fc3
*sim|sam1|xin1(3357) xin5(11)|XIN1|SIM|tâm|SHIN|KOKORO
heart; mind, intelligence; soul
慎 U+614e
*zhìn|san6|shen4(38)|SHEN4| |thận|SHIN|TSUTSUSHIMU TSUTSUSHIMI
act with care, be cautious
新 U+65b0
*sin|san1|xin1(1919)|XIN1|SIN|tân|SHIN|ATARASHII ARATA NII
new, recent, fresh, modern
晋 U+664b
*tzìn|zeon3| |JIN4|CIN| |SHIN|SUSUMU
advance, increase; promote
申 U+7533
shin|san1|shen1(20)|SHEN1|SIN| |SHIN|MOUSU NOBIRU SARU
to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch
真 U+771f
*jin|zan1|zhen1(2099)|ZHEN1| |chân|SHIN|MAKOTO MAKOTONI MA
real, actual, true, genuineThe ya could come from
也 U+4e5f
iǎ|jaa5|ye3(7359)|YE3|YA|dã|YA|NARI MATA
also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity
允 U+5141
|wan5|yun3(102)|YUN3|YUN| |IN|MAKOTO YURUSU JOU
to grant, to allow, to consent
冶 U+51b6
smelt, fuse metals; cast, found
哉 U+54c9
|zoi1| |ZAI1|CAY|tai|SAI|KANA YA
final exclamatory particle
家 U+5bb6
*ga|gaa1 gu1|jia1(4719) jia5(461)|JIA1 JIE5 GU1|KA|gia|KA KE KO
house, home, residence; family
屋 U+5c4b
*quk|nguk1 uk1|wu1(774)|WU1|OK|ốc|OKU|YA YANE
house; room; building, shelter
弥 U+5f25
|mei4 nei4|mi2(25)|MI2|MI| |MI|HISASHII TOOI YA
extensive, full; fill; complete
矢 U+77e2
shǐ|ci2| |SHI3|SI|ngao thỉ|SHI|YA CHIKAU TSURANERU
arrow, dart; vow, swear
耶 U+8036
ia|je4| |YE2 YE1 XIE2|YA| |YA JA|YA KA
used in transliteration
見 U+898b
*gèn|gin3 jin6|jian4(2832) xian4(446) jian5(335)|JIAN4 XIAN4
see, observe, behold; perceive
谷 U+8c37
*guk iok|guk1 juk6|gu3(145)|GU3 YU4 LU4|KOK YOK|cốc|KOKU YOKU
valley, gorge, ravine
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