You can't add names via the boards
in reply to a message by teju
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And you must provide proof that a name means what you say it means. or one of its clones doesn't count, and neither does "my mother/father/third cousin two times removed told me so".
Finally, you have to be patient. The owner/maintainer of this site, Mike C., is a very busy guy (especially currently, as he has important personal stuff going on right now), and moreover he has to do exhaustive research on every name before he adds it to the database. Therefore, you may have to wait a year or more for a submitted name to finally show up in the database.

Proud adopter of 15 PPs. See my profile for their names.
And you must provide proof that a name means what you say it means. or one of its clones doesn't count, and neither does "my mother/father/third cousin two times removed told me so".
Finally, you have to be patient. The owner/maintainer of this site, Mike C., is a very busy guy (especially currently, as he has important personal stuff going on right now), and moreover he has to do exhaustive research on every name before he adds it to the database. Therefore, you may have to wait a year or more for a submitted name to finally show up in the database.

Proud adopter of 15 PPs. See my profile for their names.