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Re: What is the meaning of Samilia?
Samilia: inclusive, encompassing.
This work is mostly used in Brazil. The Arab Andalusian State dominated a part of Europe. Arab influence is evident in Spanish. For example: They used the word شيء (Shey) to mean unknown in mathematics.
The Spanish used the Greek letter (X) to represent the (sh) sound in their translation books and it was written as (Xey). Over time, only the letter X was used.
Another example of sound change:
Shimon = As in the name Simon, the letter "Sh" can turn into the letter "S".In Arabic, there is the word Shamil (شامل masculine) which means encompassing. Shamilia (شاملية) is used as feminine.

As in the case of Shimon = Simon, the sound has changed to Shamilia = Samilia.
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