Re: Quinn
in reply to a message by *Brogan*
Quinn's like a newfangled Lynn to me. I prefer it on females too.
Quinn and Lilah go together fine.
I like Mariel Quinn, or Quinn Mariel for that matter.
Quinn Mariah
Quinn Leora
Quinn Rebecca
Quinn Charmaine
- mirfak
Quinn and Lilah go together fine.
I like Mariel Quinn, or Quinn Mariel for that matter.
Quinn Mariah
Quinn Leora
Quinn Rebecca
Quinn Charmaine
- mirfak
"Newfangled Lynn"- Could you please explain? Thanks!

Well, Lynn is dated now, but there was a time when it seemed hip and fresh and "now." Quinn seems current now, with its striking Q and surnaminess, but it fills the same niche among semi-popular names as I imagine Lynn once did - short, smart, unisex, dynamic seeming. It just seems like folks who would've used Lynn in, say, 1916, would use Quinn today.
- mirfak
- mirfak