I love
Alastair is fine. I can't use it anymore, as I know an
Alastair and having used it irl it's lost its charm.
I dislike
Aušra and
Aušra doesn't sound nice, it looks like it should be prettier than it is. I knew a very, very annoying and precious
Briony and it also makes me think of brine. The meaning of 'to swell' is also spectacularly unglamorous.
Elize makes me think of Belize. I also don't like
Elise. But Belize does seem like a cool country, it's just not what I'd look for in a name so...
Etta is dated.
I want to like
Fleur. I try to like
Fleur. Sometimes I do like
Fleur. I think it sometimes works as a middle name. As a name that, yk, you say on a day to day basis, it sounds a bit like a sound someone makes when they're dry heaving.
Gaius is that rare mix of totally awful and really pretentious. It's a very unattractive name that seems to be used by parents who think they're smart.
Honor is sorta cool, if you ignore the association of 'female honour'. It has this really retro feel to it. I saw a sci-fi program with a character called
Honour and it really grew on me. Irl, I'm not sure... Being British, of course, I'm gonna use
Honour over
Don't like Jolina.
Keziah is nms but ok. I struggle with saying it. I want to say kez-ee-ah rather than kez-EYE-ah.
Milena is super, super, super bland. Just bland bland bland.
Saga makes me think of cruises for the elderly. Also myths. But mostly cruises.
I don't like
Zephyrine is super cool.
Zephyr is trying to be cool.