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Re: When naming a child, how much do you worry about how the name will sound on a resume someday?
I think it’s worth considering if you’re into very out-there names, or in names that are very cutesy or childish. Like when someone says they’re going to name a child Pepper or Lovely “imagine what it would look on a resume “ is a question worth asking.But the names you like are definitely not weird or silly sounding and as others have pointed out I don’t think having an “ethnic “ name is a hindrance now, it might even be an advantage in some cases. I live in quite a diverse area and if employers wanted to ditch anyone with a name suggesting an immigrant or non -white background they would be left with precious few potential employees.“Someone once said that it wasn’t so hard to do right; what was hard was to know what was right to do.” William X. Kienzle

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