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Middle name Leandra?
Last name is JamesMae


I'm not sure about any of these...-Mae and Maeve look too close to the beginning of Leandra (ae and ea).
-Mae, Maeve, and Kate all have that "ay" sound and they're too rhymey with the last name James.
-Belle Leandra doesn't work because of the "l" ending which turns it into "Belly Andra".
-Kai sounds like a boy name and even as a unisex name doesn't go with Leandra at all.
-That leaves Jo, which is too short for a full name and definitely doesn't work with the last name Jo James. I think if I HAD to choose one of them I'd pick Kate, because the ay sound is more cut off and Kate James seems a little less rhymey than Mae James or Maeve James, but I'd still rather look for something else.
Belle Leandra looks nice but sounds like "belly Andra".Mae Leandra and Maeve Leandra look messy because of the ae-ea closeness. May Leandra would be lovely though.Kai Leandra is pretty. I guess this one is my favourite!Jo Leandra James feels like a powerhouse name, that's fun, although I wouldn't want my first name to just be "Jo".Kate Leandra is ok, although Kate James sounds awkward.
I like them in this order Kate, Maeve, MaeI read this wrong i thought Leandra was the first name. I like the 3 syllable first name and 1 syllable lastThinking about it again I'd probably use Kate as the first name. Again Maeve 2nd, Mae 3rd

This message was edited 6/1/2024, 2:29 PM

I have a dilemma: all three of my favourite names on your list -Kate, Maeve & Mae - share a repetitive "a" sound with James so they don't sound ideal. If I'm honest, Leandra sounds the best with your surname. Is there any reason why you only have one syllable first names on your list when you have a one syllable last name as well?
My guess is they were only thinking about the middle name, which has three syllables. They probably were pairing a short first name with the long middle name.
Kate Leandra James sounds the best. Maeve Leandra James is a close second.
Mae Leandra James has a nice ring to it.
Kate James also sounds good.