Is it usable? What about Lola, Lolicia?
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This message was edited 12/17/2020, 1:50 PM
Other than the Lolita association, there's a minor character in Atonement called Lola who, let's just say also experiences similarly unpleasant things.
Lola Pig from the kids' show "Peppa Pig."

But more than that I associate the name with a very sexualized woman with rather tawdry taste in clothes and jewelry. Lola is the sort of woman who flirts with people she knows are married at bars and doesn't take no well.

But more than that I associate the name with a very sexualized woman with rather tawdry taste in clothes and jewelry. Lola is the sort of woman who flirts with people she knows are married at bars and doesn't take no well.
This message was edited 12/18/2020, 6:26 AM
Lola -name of a Kink's song about a trans man and it's pretty cringey and the character is very sexualized
Whatever Lola Wants -film about a girl who becomes a "belly dancer."
Kinky Boots -Film/Musical where Lola is the name of one of the two main characters. Lola is a drag queen (and maybe trans, it never specifies) who is the most sexualized character of the story, even sings a song relating shoes to sex.
Damn Yankees -I know "Whatever Lola Wants (Lola Gets)" has been mentioned. That's from this film/show. Lola is a mistress (called a "home wrecker") who pressures a man sexually. She's actually introduced as "Lolita Banana" (gross) and then subsequently fired when the man she pressures doesn't give in to her advances (which she's been asked by another man to do). She's treated as a secondary antagonist this whole story, but she's mostly a sexual pawn. (Oh, and I almost forgot she works for the actual devil in this.)
The Blue Angel -A German film about a teacher who gets enthralled with an exotic dancer named Lola and eventually goes insane over her being more successful and more attractive, etc than him. This whole film seems to tell some kind of message of his life being destroyed because she's a sex worker. Yuck.
Shark Tale -Yep, even in kids' animated films, they seductive character is named Lola.
Space Jam -I mean, Lola Bunny may not be a bad character, but she's a sexualized character. She's a freaking rabbit in a kids' movie. Why does she need to be sexualized?
South Park -There's a kid named Lola that is insinuated to be a trans kid in a joking way. Ew, but then again, it's South Park so I feel that's on brand for them. :pukeemoji:
Copacabana -Song does start out with the lyrics, "Her name was Lola / She was a showgirl."
I don't think there is anything wrong with a sexualized character (or real person), but unnecessarily sexualized women bother me. And I wouldn't want to name a child anything that will immediately make a stranger associate sexual thoughts with them. Imagine introducing your toddler and someone immediately thinks something sexual because of her name. I mean, that's gross. I'd stay far away from it.
Whatever Lola Wants -film about a girl who becomes a "belly dancer."
Kinky Boots -Film/Musical where Lola is the name of one of the two main characters. Lola is a drag queen (and maybe trans, it never specifies) who is the most sexualized character of the story, even sings a song relating shoes to sex.
Damn Yankees -I know "Whatever Lola Wants (Lola Gets)" has been mentioned. That's from this film/show. Lola is a mistress (called a "home wrecker") who pressures a man sexually. She's actually introduced as "Lolita Banana" (gross) and then subsequently fired when the man she pressures doesn't give in to her advances (which she's been asked by another man to do). She's treated as a secondary antagonist this whole story, but she's mostly a sexual pawn. (Oh, and I almost forgot she works for the actual devil in this.)
The Blue Angel -A German film about a teacher who gets enthralled with an exotic dancer named Lola and eventually goes insane over her being more successful and more attractive, etc than him. This whole film seems to tell some kind of message of his life being destroyed because she's a sex worker. Yuck.
Shark Tale -Yep, even in kids' animated films, they seductive character is named Lola.
Space Jam -I mean, Lola Bunny may not be a bad character, but she's a sexualized character. She's a freaking rabbit in a kids' movie. Why does she need to be sexualized?
South Park -There's a kid named Lola that is insinuated to be a trans kid in a joking way. Ew, but then again, it's South Park so I feel that's on brand for them. :pukeemoji:
Copacabana -Song does start out with the lyrics, "Her name was Lola / She was a showgirl."
I don't think there is anything wrong with a sexualized character (or real person), but unnecessarily sexualized women bother me. And I wouldn't want to name a child anything that will immediately make a stranger associate sexual thoughts with them. Imagine introducing your toddler and someone immediately thinks something sexual because of her name. I mean, that's gross. I'd stay far away from it.
This message was edited 12/18/2020, 4:21 AM
double post...
This message was edited 12/18/2020, 4:18 AM
There's the dancer Lola Montez (birth name Eliza), who became infamous for being a high-class courtesan and the mistress of King Ludwig of Bavaria in the 19th century.
There's also the song "Lola" by The Kinks which is quite famous, about a young man falling for a cross-dresser named Lola.
So it has a general "sexy femme fatale" vibe.
There's also the song "Lola" by The Kinks which is quite famous, about a young man falling for a cross-dresser named Lola.
So it has a general "sexy femme fatale" vibe.
Oh yeah. I wouldn't call Lola Bunny a "bad" association though, yeah she was introduced in Space Jam to be a sex object, but I've seen what they've done with her character since (though not very much of it, evidently).
I don't think Lola resembles Lolita enough to be given a negative association, but that's just me. If anything, Anita resembles Lolita much more for that, but personally I think Anita exists to be a great substitute if one liked Lolita enough.
I don't think Lola resembles Lolita enough to be given a negative association, but that's just me. If anything, Anita resembles Lolita much more for that, but personally I think Anita exists to be a great substitute if one liked Lolita enough.
I don't think it has anything to do with being prudish. I don't have anything against showgirls or sex workers and no problem talking about sex but I don't want people to connect these associations with my infant daughter's name.
At the time your grandma was born it likely didn't have these associations and was seen as old fashioned and charming, in a similar way too Lula (which I think is cute). Without all these associations I would find Lola cute as well.
At the time your grandma was born it likely didn't have these associations and was seen as old fashioned and charming, in a similar way too Lula (which I think is cute). Without all these associations I would find Lola cute as well.
This message was edited 12/18/2020, 6:07 AM
No, no, no! The book is a masterpiece but the name is unusable. "Lolita" is even a slang-term for promiscuous girls. It actually bugs me because Lolita (in the book) was a victim yet she is always portrayed as if she had no morals and was responsible. She was only 12 in the beginning of the book. I feel sorry for her.
No, the name is just not usable at all. It has a nice sound but it is a nickname for Dolores and way too associated with the book. If you simply must have it use Dolores nn Lolita (but I hate the meaning of the names "sorrows"). Or Lola. Or Lalita which is an unrelated name. Lolicia is weird, people will just mishear it as Lolita all of the time anyway. Same with Lalita, I guess, but at least that has more of a history.
I dislike Lola, it has such a dirty/promiscuous image, in my opinion. It's like in every other song/movie etc. about showgirls, prostitutes, red-light districts etc. a character is named Lola. I just think of an older woman who smokes and drinks all day, sells her body and has lipstick smeared everywhere over her face. Now I don't have a problem with prostitutes, it is not their fault and they deserve all the help in the world, but I wouldn't want a name with these associations.
No, the name is just not usable at all. It has a nice sound but it is a nickname for Dolores and way too associated with the book. If you simply must have it use Dolores nn Lolita (but I hate the meaning of the names "sorrows"). Or Lola. Or Lalita which is an unrelated name. Lolicia is weird, people will just mishear it as Lolita all of the time anyway. Same with Lalita, I guess, but at least that has more of a history.
I dislike Lola, it has such a dirty/promiscuous image, in my opinion. It's like in every other song/movie etc. about showgirls, prostitutes, red-light districts etc. a character is named Lola. I just think of an older woman who smokes and drinks all day, sells her body and has lipstick smeared everywhere over her face. Now I don't have a problem with prostitutes, it is not their fault and they deserve all the help in the world, but I wouldn't want a name with these associations.
Lolita in a vacuum sounds cute and I like it, but it's too intrinsically connected to /that/ book.
If we ignore the book;
Lolita is also a fashion in Japan which I love the look of, however, it is also the origin (as far as I am aware) of a particular type of child porn, LITERAL child porn. You might want to consider that.
If we ignore the book;
Lolita is also a fashion in Japan which I love the look of, however, it is also the origin (as far as I am aware) of a particular type of child porn, LITERAL child porn. You might want to consider that.